God's Word is Our Superpower!
96 Scriptures, Promises, & Affirmations to Renew Your Mind!
Are you ready to take control of your thought life
and rewire your brain to stand on God's Word?

Download this Ebook to Receive:

96- Christian and Spiritual Affirmations on a wide variety of topics from overcoming fear, receiving God’s guidance, success, and more.

Detailed instructions on how to use the affirmations for the best results.

Through affirmations, you’ll train and reprogram your subconscious mind to turn to God’s Word instead of your negative or fear-based default mental patterns.

You’ll gain more confidence in God’s Word to meet ALL of your needs and change your circumstances.
Yes, I'm ready to renew my mind!

Rhonda Jones
The Christian Meditator
Between 2000-2004, I suffered from chronic depression as a Christian. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon meditation integrated with the scriptures that I found healing.
Now fast forward to 2019, since then I have created a large variety of Christian meditations, affirmations, books, courses, retreats, and even a membership around this transformative practice. My online platforms and social media have been viewed by over millions of Christians and tens of thousands of believers have used my products world-wide! I frequently receive testimonials about how Biblical meditation changed their lives, just the way it changed mine. It amazes me just how many believers are silently suffering. You think we’d have it all together but so many are hurting.
My passion is to see Christians delivered from depression, anxiety, fear, and to develop a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with Christ. Want to learn more? Please download my FREE 96-Christian & Spiritual Affirmations Ebook, to get started!