The Abider- God’s in Charge & I Partner with Him (Part 3)

  ”Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty…” (Zechariah 4:6)   In the culmination of our exploration into the three ways of being from a Christian perspective, we now delve into the state of the Abider. This way of being reflects a deep understanding and alignment with God’s will, where individuals rest

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Faith, Flexibility, and Friction: Navigating the Christian and Yoga Divide

Bridging the Gap Between Christian Beliefs and the Benefits of Yoga Hello readers and followers. I know that yoga is a controversial topic in the church and I’d like to share some of my thoughts on the subject. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, but perhaps give you another perspective. Ultimately, follow God

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Are You Taking Authority Over Your Thought Life?

Christian meditation is all about being still, so let’s take a few moments to pause and breath. 1-2-3. Before we get started, please take a moment to acknowledge this big step in your spiritual journey.   Over the past 15 years, I’ve come across so many Christians who suffer from depression, struggle with anxiety, are

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Filled with the spirit

Be Filled with the Spirit & The 5 P’s for a Fulfilled Life!

“Be Filled with the Spirit.” When we are physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy, we can easily fight off sickness and dis–ease. The more we are filled with God’s love, peace, joy, and light, the less room there is for darkness (negativity, fear, worry, offense, frustration) to enter. They just fall off of us like water off

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Christian EFT Video Teaching and Script for Healing Emotions

FB Live Video Recording What is EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique? Here is an article on the Emofree website and one of the founders of EFT that explains what it is and how it works.  Learn More EFT Tapping Points EFT- Script When Emotionally Challenged 1. Rate intensity of emotion from 1-10. 2. Say while

Christian EFT Video Teaching and Script for Healing Emotions Read More »

30-Day Prayer Challenge to Break Strongholds

30- Day Prayer Challenge: Breaking the Strongholds! Although the original date of this prayer challenge has passed, you can participate in this 30-day challenge at any time. Just sign up below. Let the Prayer Warrior Within You Arise! Thank you so much for participating in the 30-day prayer challenge. Below are some quick tips

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