The 3 Ways of Being- (Part 1)

The 3 Ways of Being in Christ-
The Drifter (Part 1)

3 Ways of Being in Christ- The Drifter

by Rhonda Jones

In our spiritual journey, we often find ourselves navigating through various states of being, each presenting its unique challenges and opportunities for growth. At the core of these states lie three distinct ways of experiencing life in Christ: the Drifter, the Doer, and the Abider. In part one, we’ll delve into the first of these ways of being: the Drifter. This state of existence is characterized by a lack of personal responsibility and an absence of divine guidance, where individuals perceive themselves as mere bystanders in the unfolding of their lives.

The Drifter lives with a sense of victimhood, blaming external circumstances for their misfortunes rather than taking ownership of their choices. They are trapped in a cycle of inaction, unable to break free from the mental fog that clouds their judgment and prevents them from seeing the path forward. Driven by ego and survival instincts, they feel disconnected from God and lack direction in their journey.

Scriptures such as the Parable of the Sower from Matthew 13 illustrate the various ways in which people receive the word of God. Some fall beside the road, representing those with hardened hearts, while others fall on rocky ground, symbolizing those who lack depth and easily falter when faced with adversity. These passages highlight the importance of cultivating a receptive heart and renewing the mind to discern the will of God.

Romans 8:6 emphasizes the contrast between being carnally minded, which leads to death, and being spiritually minded, which brings life and peace. Similarly, Romans 12:2 urges believers not to conform to the patterns of this world but to be transformed by the renewal of their minds. These scriptures remind us that true healing and transformation can only occur when we relinquish our old ways of thinking and align our thoughts with God’s truth.

The Drifter embodies a state of powerlessness and passivity, allowing circumstances to dictate their fate rather than actively participating in co-creating their reality. They resist change and remain stuck in a cycle of self-pity and hopelessness, unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions. This lack of control perpetuates their feelings of disconnection from God and prevents them from experiencing the abundant life He promises.

In conclusion, the Drifter represents a way of being where no one is truly in charge of their life. It is a state characterized by victimhood, blame, and irresponsibility, where individuals remain stuck in their old stories and resist the transformative power of God’s Word. However, as we shall explore in the subsequent parts of this series, there is hope for those who are willing to shift from drifting to actively engaging with God’s guidance and surrendering to His divine will.

In a few days, I’ll share part 2 of this article series where I will identify the 2nd way of being in Christ. Stay tuned until the end. Share with a friend.

Journal Prompts for Introspection:

(Use these journal prompts to encourage introspection and self-awareness, guiding you on a journey of spiritual growth and transformation in alignment with the three ways of being.)

  1. Reflect on a recent challenge or setback in your life. How did you initially respond to it? Did you find yourself feeling like a victim or blaming external circumstances? Explore how you can take ownership of your choices and shift from a mindset of victimhood to empowerment.

  2. Think about a recurring negative pattern or limiting belief in your life. How has this pattern held you back from experiencing growth and fulfillment? Consider what steps you can take to break free from this cycle and cultivate a mindset of responsibility and self-awareness.

  3. Journal about a time when you felt disconnected from God or lacked spiritual direction. What factors contributed to this feeling of disconnection? Explore ways you can deepen your relationship with God and align yourself with His purpose for your life.

  4. Consider the role of ego in your decision-making process. Are there instances where your ego has influenced your choices and led you away from God’s will? Reflect on how you can surrender your ego and embrace humility in your journey towards spiritual growth.

  5. Take a moment to examine your resistance to change and uncertainty. How does this resistance prevent you from experiencing the abundant life God desires for you? Explore ways you can cultivate a spirit of openness and trust in God’s plan, even in the face of uncertainty.


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