Mid-day Reset Mini-Meditation Challenge! 

Mid-day Reset Mini-Meditation Challenge! It’s so easy to get caught up in the routines and busyness of the day and forget that our strength and peace comes from abiding in God’s presence and keeping our vision on Him, his promises and his word. Years ago I attended a weekend retreat and at random times during the day, soft music would play over the speaker that ushered in a few minutes of sacred silence.
During these few minutes, everyone was to stop whatever they were doing and just silently pause. It was amazing how much these few minutes of just abiding could change and reset the atmosphere and in just seconds and restore peace.
Here is the challenge. If you haven’t already, download my Christian Meditation App (it’s completely free) and then set your phone timer to go off 1 or 2 times per day to remind you to pause and focus on God. You can use the 5-minutes with God meditations on the app that has a variety of topics to choose from.
Let me know if you’re going to do the challenge this week? Just email me, I’m in. If you do, report back how it’s going or any inspirations.
Here is a link to the app: https://thechristianmeditator.com/the-christian-meditator-meditation-app/  It is available for both IOS and Android. 
If you can’t download, you can also find some of these mini- meditations on my youtube channel, The Christian Meditator.

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