
CCan I Be Possessed By Evil Spirts During Meditation

Can I Be Possessed By Evil Spirits During Meditation? (Vlog)

I received a question today that I think is a legitimate question that might be on the minds of Christians as they start a meditation practice. And the question is if I start to meditate, am I opening myself up to unclear spirits or evil spirits? And so, the short answer to that question is,

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What Does The Term Mind Detoxing Mean?

Wow. I love this term. We’re all very aware of detoxing our bodies, but we’ll allow our minds to be filled with all types of filth and never clean them out. I hear people sometimes say that meditation is emptying of the mind, to which confirm, yes, we all need a little mind emptying because

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A Beginner’s Guide: How Do I Meditate?

I am glad you are interested in incorporating meditation into your life as I believe it is one of the best decisions you can make regardless of your religious affiliation. That being said, there are many types of meditation that produce various types of results or outcomes. So number one, I would determine what you

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What is the Difference Between Meditation and Prayer?

Meditation and prayer are two different spiritual exercises that are important in our spiritual growth. I will try to explain both scriptural and give their differences. On the one hand, prayer is communication between God and man.  Man relates to God personally. Prayer is majorly a two way communication between God and man. Prayer is

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How Can I Succeed in College While Having Depression?

My dear friend. You do not have to live with depression as a student in college or otherwise. Some depression is caused by a chemical imbalance and then you’d need to see a doctor; however, 90% of depression stems from the negative thoughts and destructive mindsets that parade around in our head. I know because

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Developing More Self Compassion for Yourself and Others

Self-compassion is really important. It means treating one’s self with understanding and kindness especially when you make a mistake, or go through a complex situation and the way you treat others you care about. Self-compassion is similar to self-esteem, but it is not about the way you are judging yourself, but the way you are

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What Should My Main Goal as a Christian Be?

I believe that the greatest goal we can have as a Christian is to continue to grow spiritually, become one with Christ, and let the Holy Spirit live in us and through us. This is far from going to church or doing Christian things. It means seeking and growing closer to God, from within instead

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Different Dimensions

Does Christian Meditation Make You Enter Different Dimensions?

As a Christian, I believe there is a fine line we can cross when we begin to dive into the spirit world. If we are not careful, we can invite spiritual entities into our lives from these different dimensions that we’d rather do without. I can say that during my meditation practice many times I

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Christian Meditation Coach

What Exactly Does a Christian Meditation Coach Do?

Have you been considering or tried meditation and think you might be interested in working with a Christian meditation coach? As a new believer you might have stumbled on Christian meditation and you have tons of unanswered questions. Here is what you need to know about Christian meditation coaching. In simple terms, a Christian meditation

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God's word

What is the Best Way to Approach and Study God’s Word?

Oftentimes, Christians have a desire to read their Bibles and the scriptures to learn more about God’s word, but feel they don’t have the time or are not sure the best approach. If you want to grow spiritually, it’s important that some time be dedicated regularly to reading the scriptures and study the teachings of

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As a Christian, How Can I Become More Spiritual?

To become more spiritual as a Christian, you first should take a few moments and think about the changes that you would like to see in your life and consider your priorities. You might want to live with more peace and less stress, exercise more, or lose weight. You might want to eliminate your unhealthy

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How is Christian Meditation Different from Relaxation or Sleeping?

Although relaxation and sleeping can have a calming effect upon your mind, they differ from meditation. Meditation is a discipline. The purpose of meditation is to create more peace and joy in your life by training your mind and learning to detaching from your thoughts. This allows us to live our life more purposefully than

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How Do I Know If I’m Meditating Right?

Typically I tell people that the only bad meditation is the one that you don’t do. You will find that each experience can be different. For example, sometimes when you meditate, your mind may be relatively still. Other times, your mind may be so distracted and preoccupied that you struggle through the entire process. Both

How Do I Know If I’m Meditating Right? Read More »

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