Christian Meditator Vlog

How to Deal with Toxic Living Situations (Vlog) Many Christians are living in toxic living situations and not sure how to incorporate a Christian meditation practice or destress. Consequently, they begin to feel both defeated and depleted. In this video blog, I share some ways to keep and restore your peace of mind when everything or everyone around you is in chaos.  […]

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CCan I Be Possessed By Evil Spirts During Meditation

Can I Be Possessed By Evil Spirits During Meditation? (Vlog)

I received a question today that I think is a legitimate question that might be on the minds of Christians as they start a meditation practice. And the question is if I start to meditate, am I opening myself up to unclear spirits or evil spirits? And so, the short answer to that question is,

Can I Be Possessed By Evil Spirits During Meditation? (Vlog) Read More »

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