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How Can I Download MP3 files to my iPhone 6?

It appears that the easiest way to download MP3s to an iPhone is through iTunes. In some cases that might be the only way unless you utilize another service like a cloud, etc. Below are some additional informational articles that can help. PLEASE NOTE: As far as I know, you CANNOT download an mp3 directly to your iphone, so just opening the MP3 in your phone will probably not work. 

ITunes Downloader App for Iphones  –

From APP User:

“I really needed to download an audio file from my email so that I could play it without wifi at an adjudication that I had the next day, and this did just that! I was freaking out before I downloaded this app, but it works perfectly and now I can relax.”

How To Transfer Music Files From Computer To iPhone or iPad or Android Phone? CLICK HERE

How to Download MP3 to iPhone without using iTunes? CLICK HERE

Move content from iTunes on your computer to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. CLICK HERE

2 Methods to Transfer MP3 to iPhone With or Without iTunes: CLICK HERE

DropBox : Dropbox is a cloud sync service. Just upload all the music to your dropbox account and it will be downloaded automatically by your iPhone or iPad. It can be then played directly from the Dropbox app. Dropbox app currently provides free storage upto 2GB. It can be downloaded from It works for both Mac and PC users.

For Windows users: You can download a free utility called CopyTrans Manager ( Download Here : ). Once installed, just open this utility and connect your iPhone/iPad to your computer. The utility supports drag and drop. You can easily drag and drop the required music from your PC to iPhone/iPad.

Android For Windows Users: Download for free the Windows Media Player, at least version 10. It is completely free and should be already there but if you can not find it on your PC, download here ( ). Now add the music to the library in the Windows Media Player by clicking the arrow under Library. Your android phone connected to the PC will now be recognized by Media Player and it will ask you for an option to sync automtically or manually. You can choose either to transfer the music to your android phone.

Android For Mac Users: You need to download a free utility called Android File Transfer from ( Download here – ). Now connect your android phone to Mac with a USB cable. Open the downloaded utility Android File Transfer. You will be able to browse the android files and can drag your music files to the music folder in Android phone.

How To Burn CD?

For Windows Users: Open Windows Media Player. Choose Create Playlist by selecting the option on the upper left hand side of the media player. Now select all the music you want to burn to the CD.

Now, place an empty CD in the CD burner. In the Windows Media Player, Click on the Burn tab on the right hand side. Drag the playlist you want to be burned on to the Burn tab. This will show you a list of music that will be burned to the CD. Now click the Start Burn button in the burn tab and it will start the process of burning the CD. Once finished, you will get the notification that the process is complete and CD will get ejected automatically.

For Mac Users: Open the iTunes software. Now, create a new playlist from the File menu. Name the new playlist. Select the music you want to burn to CD and drag them into the newly created playlist. Place a blank CD in the CD burner and click the Burn Disc button in iTunes. If you can not see the Burn Disc option on iTunes, go to the file menu and click on the Burn Playdisc to disc. This will start burning the CD. Once its completed, iTunes will show the new CD. Eject it and enjoy your music.


If you have watched tutorials and are still having problems downloading, please use the contact form for help.


Additional Video Tutorials:

How to login into Listening Library or Course with phone:


APPS for downloading to Ipad, Ipod, and Iphone: (You will have to access this page from your phone to download to your phone, or google the app names from your phone.)

IDownloader (ipad, ipod, iphone)

Andriod Download App

Download All Files


How to Download Recordings to IPAD or IPhone: (For zipped files only)

Download a free app called IZIP, this will enable you to open the zipped mp3 files and listen on your iphone or  ipad, without the need to use a computer first. Basically you can open the link from your email or webpage and download should begin automatically.

Options: Just google Unzipping Apps for Mac, Andriod, IPad, etc on your phone or device and download.


How to Download Recordings to Your Smartphone/Blackberry: (For zipped files only)

Try these unzipping downloads:

Zip Utility

More Options


Please Note: You can also download mp3 files to your computer and then sync them to your mobile device.

How to Transfer/Sync MP3s to your Ipod, Ipad, Phone without Using ITunes.

Another Video on Adding MP3 to Your IPhone From Computer:

 How to Download MP3 from Computer to IPAD, IPOD, IPHONE Using 1Tunes


How to Download a Zip File Tutorial ?

Expander Stuffit can also be used to unzip files. Below is a free download and Youtube tutorial.

Stuffit YouTube Tutorial:

Additional Stuffit Instructions:

Free Unzipping Software

WINZIP (Google it)

Expander Stuffit
(for Mac)

Free Online Unzipping Software


Unzip for the Mac


How to Burn a CD Tutorial

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