when you are happy there is no next

When You are Happy There is No Next!

This quote is so true. When we are happy (filled to the brim with God and His essence) there is no next. We are not looking for the next purchase, event, or person to fill us up because we are already complete and whole. In fact, our cup runneth over. Instead of looking for an outside fix, look to God within and fill yourself with more of His divine presence. Many of us don’t realize that we can be blissfully happy for no “tangible” at all, but just because we are filled with God’s love and light. Do you ever just say, “Why am I so happy?”  I’ll tell you why, because there is nothing obscuring God’s light from flowing freely through you!
Luke 17:20-21 declares that, “The kingdom of God is within you.” And what is the Kingdom of God? Romans 14:17 says, “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking (or searching, consuming, buying stuff, or another person),  but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Oh boy, when we are filled with God’s kingdom, we basically have everything we need inside of us to be happy! Also, it free, so it’s available to everyone regardless of income. However, being filled with God’s spirit doesn’t just happen, we must cultivate it through the 5-P’s (see email post on “Filled with the Spirit” from a few weeks ago.” That’s good news.
It means that we can stop searching, turn inward, seek God with us (allowing His spirit to grow deeper and wider inside), and just be, “Be still and know that He is God.” It is this “being” and stillness that will be lead into divine action. Action birthed of God and not our constant yearnings or feelings of lack. Inspired action brings fulfillment, contentment as well as abundance. It brings value to us and the people we serve because it was birthed from God and not our striving, fears, or wants!  Then we can proceed full of faith void of fear or even the outcomes. When we are inspired by God that is reward in and of itself. Amen!
So remember, when we are happy, there is no next! Not feeling joyful? It’s just a clear indication that fear, worry, stress, or any other toxic thoughts or emotions are blocking God’s flow of joy from moving freely through you. Use your Christian meditation practice and/or your Spiritual Self Care Routine, to renew your mind and purify your heart. Need some tools, see below.
P.S.- If you haven’t already, join my Christians Who Meditate Facebook Group. 

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