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10-Day Christian Meditation Challenge!

Meditate Your Way to Greater Peace, Joy, and Intimacy with God!

Introduction to Christian Meditation

Looking for a quick challenge to get your started on your Christian meditation practice. The 10-day challenge provides a daily devotional, insightful video lessons, and guided Christ-centered meditations that only requires you to sit back and relax.

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What's Included:

Christian Meditation Challenge Days 1-10

Each daily challenge includes a devotional reading, guided Christian meditation, and journaling prompts. Give God the first fruit of your day by focusing on Him and dwelling in His divine presence.

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Day One: Overcoming Negative Thinking
Day Two: Releasing the Past
Day Three: Eliminating Stress & Toxic Emotions
Day Four: I Forgive
Day Five: As I Open My Eyes
Day Six: Interceding for Loved Ones
Day Seven: Becoming a Generous Giver
Day Eight: Divine Healing
Day Nine: In Everything Give Thanks
Day Ten: Peace Like a River
Bonus: The Secret Place

Also Includes Seven Video Lessons!

The 10-Day Christian Meditation Challenge also includes SEVEN short video lessons (5-10 minutes) by Rhonda that will give you greater insight to this transformative practice!

What Others Are Saying About the Challenge!

Thank you, I was able to get the meditation today.  I absolutely loved the meditation.  You have a calling and I thank God for you and your meditations.  I was wanting Christian meditations that I could relate to, and I can really relate to your meditations.  Your voice is so very soothing, and I absolutely love how the meditations are based on scripture. I have been meditating since I was 13 years old, I am now 59 years old.  Thank you .” -Participant

“Thank you Rhonda! I loved your selection of scriptures from God’s word. Your voice is so calm and soothing and the music so peaceful.” – -Participant

“This was exactly what I needed during this time of quarantine. It is easy to fall into fear and anxiety. I’ve forgotten that I’m not equipped for everything and need a refresher like this. Thank you.” – -Participant

“During my prayer time after listening to the meditation the second time, I realized that my prayers to know God’s will in this move to a new state were selfish and prideful. I’ll spare you details but I realized I was more concerned with making myself known rather than making God known. I think prideful desires were a negative and a hindrance to hearing God. Now my prayer is that I will know God, sit still with Him and listen.” – -Participant

Thank You so much Rhonda. Continue to let the LORD use you. I don’t hold on to unforgiveness (Praise God) but I realized during today’s meditation I have some anger issues with my unsaved children (all in there 20’s) that I had to release. These meditation are great for your meditation journal that I’m doing as well. I’m seeing GREAT results. – Participant

Only $69.95

Regular Price $99.95

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