christian meditation

Start 8-Lesson Christian
Meditation Mini-Course Today! It's Free!

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Learn the Basics of Christian Meditation in video series!

  • You desire to overcome feelings of hopelessness, stress, or even depression, or you just desire a deeper and more intimate relationship with God. 
  • You will become aware of your mental chatter, past hurts, and burdensome memories and learn how to transform them into God’s love and light. 
  • You’ll discover how a regular Christian meditation practice can help you to enter into God’s peace, rest, and presence. 
  • You will learn about a variety of guided meditations that are Christ-centered, relaxing, inspiring, and transformative.  
  • You’ll stop being a victim and become your own healer to actively overcome past hurts, pains, fears, and setbacks. 
  • You’ll cultivate more peace, joy, and contentment in your life. 
waking up

The Mini-Course Includes:

  • What is Christian Meditation?
  • Is Christian Meditation Biblical?
  • Why Meditate?
  • How to Meditate as a Christian
  • How Not to Meditate as a Christian
  • A Guided Christian Meditation Session
  • Creating and maintaining a daily practice or routine


“I let go of anxiety and stress and put my trust in God. I was able to remove negative thoughts and prepared for a job interview. I didn’t believe I could do the job or be successful, but I was.”

“Since doing the 10 day Christian Challenge, I have incorporated meditation on the word of God, along with breathing techniques, to help bring me closer to God in my daily routine.”

“I am more aware of my thought patterns and stopping them immediately. Not just quoting, “be thankful in all things”, but to actually give thanks and why. This way I am allowing God into my situation.”

Thank you, I absolutely love the meditations.  You have a calling and I thank God for you and your meditations.  I was wanting Christian meditations that I could relate to, and I can really relate to your meditations.  Your voice is so very soothing, and I absolutely love how the meditations are based on scripture. I have been meditating since I was 13 years old, I am now 59 years old.  Thank you .”

“Thank you Rhonda! I loved your selection of scriptures from God’s word. Your voice is so calm and soothing and the music so peaceful.” 

“This was exactly what I needed during this time of quarantine. It is easy to fall into fear and anxiety. I’ve forgotten that I’m not equipped for everything and need a refresher like this. Thank you.” 

“The challenge has helped me focus and remain calm. It has also help me take my mind captive. I’m not my thoughts. But it is a daily lifestyle that will take time. In the beginning my mind was fighting it and it was hard to remain calm. I want to say thank you for your support and insight into our restless souls that need healing. I will continue to mediate and purchase your books and sign up on your site.”

“Thank You so much Rhonda. Continue to let the LORD use you. I don’t hold on to unforgiveness (Praise God) but I realized during today’s meditation I have some anger issues with my unsaved children (all in there 20’s) that I had to release. These meditation are great for your meditation journal that I’m doing as well. I’m seeing GREAT results.” 

“I enjoyed the challenge. I was not able to sit still and concentrate on God or when studying the word. This challenge had opened the door for me to sit still and listen to God’s quiet voice. I am not hundred percent, but I feel with practice I will. Thank you Rhonda for your meditations.”



Rhonda Jones, created The Christian Meditator Website in 2005 after a 4-year battle with chronic depression. Since then, she has touched millions with her message and the benefits of Christian meditation through her guided meditation CDs, books, programs, and retreats. Learn more.

the christian meditator

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