“Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.” – James 4:8

Practicing Peace is for you if...
- You’re familiar with Christian meditation or have even been meditating as a Christian for awhile now and you’re ready to go deeper?
- You are interested in having a greater understanding of Christian meditation, it’s foundation, benefits, origins, techniques, teaching methods, and more.
- You are a Christian yoga instructor, mental health practitioner, or health/lifestyle coach who would like to incorporate Christian meditation into your classes, workshops, or sessions, and looking for guidance and direction.
Practicing Peace can meet all of these needs and more!

What it's all about...
Practicing Peace is perfect for practitioners and teachers looking to share the benefits of meditation with churches, clients, and anyone seeking practical and comprehensive guidance on Christian meditation.
- Comprehensive: Practicing Peace covers everything you need to know about Christian meditation, from its history and roots in Scripture to its practical application in your daily or professional life.
- Practical: With step-by-step instructions, guided meditation scripts, and practical tips, Practicing Peace makes it easy for you to start your own meditation practice and experience the benefits of inner peace, joy, and spiritual growth or even share it with others.
- Accessible: Whether you are a seasoned meditator or a beginner, Practicing Peace is designed to meet you where you are and help you deepen your relationship with God.
- Personal: Practicing Peace is not just a book, it is a personal journey and resource guide for spiritual growth and personal transformation. Through its pages, you will discover new insights about yourself, your faith, and your relationship with God.
What is Christian Meditation?
Christian meditation is a form of contemplative prayer that focuses on cultivating a deep and intimate relationship with God. It is a practice that has been used by Christians for centuries to quiet the mind, open the heart, and connect with the divine. In Practicing Peace, you will learn how to incorporate Christian meditation into your daily life and experience the benefits of this powerful spiritual discipline.

What You Will Learn in Practicing Peace?
In Practicing Peace, you will learn everything you need to know to start your own Christian meditation practice and experience the transformative power of inner peace and spiritual growth. Here are just a few of the things you will discover:
- The history and roots of Christian meditation in Scripture
- The benefits of meditation for your physical, emotional, and spiritual health
- Step-by-step instructions for different types of Christian meditation, including breath meditation, body scan meditation, sacred word meditation, scripture meditation, forgiveness, and more.
- Instructions for how to teach and bring Christian meditation to your church, clients, family, and friends.
- Practical tips for incorporating meditation into your daily life and overcoming common obstacles.
- How to deepen your relationship with God through Christian meditation

Chapter One
Foundation & Benefits
You’ll explore the foundation of Christian meditation, including its benefits. You’ll learn why meditation can be so influential to your Christian walk and life.

Chapter Two
The Science of Meditation
In this chapter, we’ll explore the science behind meditation, including its impact on the brain and body. You’ll learn how meditation can benefit your physical and mental health.

Chapter Three
The Bible & Meditation
Learn about how meditation is supported in the Bible and how it’s been practiced throughout history. This chapter will provide insights into the Christian roots of meditation and its benefits.

Chapter Four
The Unrestrained Mind
In this chapter, you’ll learn about the unrestrained mind and how it can be a barrier to meditation. You’ll also learn how to cultivate a disciplined and focused mind.

Chapter Five
Christian Meditation Basics
Learn the basics of Christian meditation, including how to prepare for meditation, and how to select a meditation practice that suits your needs.

Chapter Six
The Breath & Relaxation
In this chapter, we’ll explore breathing techniques that can help you relax and center yourself before meditation. You’ll learn how to use breathing as a tool for relaxation and how it can help you stay present during meditation.

Chapter Seven
Intentions & Anchors
Learn how to set meditation intentions and anchors to help guide your practice. This chapter will help you develop a deeper understanding of how to focus your mind during meditation.

Chapter Eight
Meditation Techniques
In this chapter, we’ll explore a range of Christian meditation techniques, including breath meditation and over 10 different Christ-Centered techniques. You’ll learn how to select a technique that aligns with your spiritual practice.

Chapter Nine
Challenges in Meditation
Learn about the challenges you may face during meditation and how to overcome them. This chapter will provide insights into how to stay motivated and overcome obstacles in your meditation practice.

Chapter Ten
Meditation & Inner Healing
In this chapter, you’ll learn how Christian meditation can help you heal from emotional and spiritual wounds. You’ll learn how to use meditation to cultivate forgiveness, self-love, and compassion.

Chapter Eleven
Teaching Christian Meditation
Learn how to teach Christian meditation to others, including how to create a safe and supportive environment for your students.

Chapter Twelve
Christian Meditation Myths
In this chapter, we’ll debunk some common myths about Christian meditation. You’ll learn about the misconceptions surrounding meditation and how to avoid them.

Chapter Thirteen
Creating Meditation Scripts
Learn how to create your own meditation scripts and how to tailor them to your unique spiritual practice.

Chapter Fourteen
Christian Meditation Group
In this chapter, I’ll provide you with several outlines for creating a Christian meditation group, including how to structure the group and lead group meditations.

Chapter Fifteen
Common Question & Answers
This chapter will provide answers to common questions about Christian meditation. You’ll learn about how to overcome common obstacles in your practice and how to deepen your spiritual journey.

Chapter Sixteen
Expanding Your Practice
In this final chapter, we’ll explore how to expand your Christian meditation practice beyond the basics. You’ll learn how to integrate Christian meditation into other areas of your life, including prayer and service.
Practicing Peace

Includes the Following Christ-Centered Meditation Techniques & Scripts:
- Breath of Life Meditation
- Observing Thoughts Meditation
- Loving-Kindness Meditation
- Christian Mindfulness Meditation
- Observing the Breath Meditation
- Gratitude Meditation
- Labeling Meditation
- Sacred Word Meditation
- Scripture Meditation
- Passage Meditation
- Jesus is the Light of the World Meditation
- Body Sensations & Toxic Emotions Meditation
- Sending Love Meditation
- Visualization Meditation
- Soaking Meditation
- Forgiveness Meditation
- Healing and Releasing Prayer
- Lighting Your Load Meditation
Easy to Follow Lessons
Sixteen chapters of lessons to learn everything about Christian meditation simply and easily!
Expert Instruction
Author Rhonda Jones has been teaching Christian meditation for over 15 years and has helped thousands restore their peace of mind with this transformative practice.
Go at Your Own Pace
Practicing Peace can fit into your schedule so you can learn and practice at your own pace.

- Practicing Peace contains 143 pages and includes 16 chapters to help you dive so much deeper into the discipline of Christian meditation. It takes you beyond the practice to learning the skills to teach it.
- With instruction and outlines, start a Christian Meditation Group or incorporate meditation into your professional practice.
- Meditation basics and tips to get the most out of each of the meditation lessons.
- Why setting an intention for your meditation practice is so important and how to create an intention that will get results.
- Why you need a spiritual anchor when you meditate and the variety of anchors available to you.
- Relaxation techniques that will promote peace and calm prior to each meditation.
- Common meditations questions and answers and myths to avoid.
- How to extend your meditation practice and turn it into a fulfilling devotional time with God.
- Each chapter contains review questions to help you learn and grow.

About the Author
Rhonda Jones started making Christian meditation Cds and recordings back in 2005, when most Christians never even heard of such a thing. Over the years, she has reached thousands with the life-change practice of Christian meditation. If you’re interested in learning how to meditate in daily easy steps, you’ll love her new journal, The Christian Meditation Journal. (238 pages)