
In Everything Give Thanks Meditation Download


In Everything Give Thanks Meditation Download

Each meditation download includes a progressive relaxation and biblically-based narrative set to soothing background music.
Frequently, God uses various challenges and difficulties to mold our character into his likeness. Instead of looking at these challenges as problems to be dreaded, we can use them as an opportunity to deepen your faith and create a greater dependency on the Lord. Ask yourself these questions- What would happen if I stopped struggling and resisting what is and I saw every obstacle as a hidden blessing? What if instead of trying to change or avoid unfavorable circumstances, I blessed them in an effort to bring forth the good that is in them instead? Your life would be filled with more peace, joy, and contentment.
In this meditation you will learn how to give thanks to those situations that often create stress, fear, or worry and see the blessings that they can provide instead. (20:14 minutes)

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