Learn How to Meditate in Daily Easy Steps!

Are You Ready to Breathe New Life Into Your Christian Walk?

christian meditation journal

Start This Life Changing Journey!


  • Do you need emotional, mental, and spiritual wholeness?
  • Would you like to get rid of fear, anxiety, and other harmful emotions?
  • Do you want to improve your mood and cope with life’s stressful events?

Discover the keys to mental, spiritual, and emotional wholeness in this step-by-step guide to Christian meditation. In just a few minutes each day, you can train your mind to focus, increase your self-awareness, think and feel better. You are as healthy as your thoughts! Daily Christian meditation integrated with scriptures will progressively transform your heart and improve your mind.

If you want to take control of those limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, fearful, and worried or you simply want to enhance your quiet time with God, The Christian Meditation Journal is the perfect resource to try. The practical lessons, tools, and spiritual disciplines you will learn in this journal will help you:

  • Renew your mind & overcome negative thinking
  • Live with more peace, joy, and freedom
  • Free yourself from toxic emotions
  • Draw closer to God than you thought possible
  • Heal inner wounds and let go of the past
  • Develop a better relationship with yourself
  • Grow deeper in your spiritual walk

Take this life-changing journey traveled by many others and experience firsthand the peace, freedom, and fulfilling relationship with the Lord you deserve. Live your best life as you tap into your inner thoughts, quiet your mind, connect your heart, and experience God as never before.

the christian meditation journal

Contains 4-Core Components:

Guided Christian Meditation Audios

Along with the book you’ll have access to guided Christian meditation audios to support you in your journey of becoming a Christian meditator. Whether you are a new or seasoned meditator, these meditations will provide you with practice as well as cultivating inner awareness and restoring your peace of mind. 


The journal is great. One thing to realize your journal is a journey in and of itself. Building a Foundation really challenges you to think and examine your life and where you are actually when it comes to your relationship with God. This journal is life-changing.”- Natalie Johnson Lee
Natalie Lee Johnson
I am on day 2 of the journal and am already enormously blessed. Thank you for writing this and sharing yourself.
Karen Gondola,
Christian Therapist
I really felt that you had God’s anointing on you as you wrote. Thank you for preserving. I just know this book will be a tremendous blessing to many people as they pursue a deeper and more intimate relationship with God.
Grace White
This is an excellent tool for anyone desiring to go beyond salvation and begin the work of transformation and healing. Rhonda stresses the difference between the spirit redeemed and the soul being redeemed (the mind, will and emotions.) When we were saved the work of Christ was accomplished on the cross but now the work of the Holy Spirit must begin. Now we need to surrender daily in the ongoing cleansing work of the soul in order to fulfill the primary purpose of God for our calling “to be conformed to the image of His Son.” Rom 8:29 Rhonda asks many poignant questions to lead us into a clearer awareness of ourselves and a richer experience of the Lord. Discover how much of your life is you and how much is the Lord. Most of us don’t know until we sit down and take inventory. Rhonda alerts her readers to rise and shine, the time is short. Have you been walking out the Lord’s calling on your life or are you simply surviving in traffic? Get out of traffic! Pull over and set an intention to meet regularly with the Lord and go deeper. Patricia Rose
Patricia Rose
Rhonda your book is helping me beyond measure. We have to constantly put on the FULL ARMOR of GOD!! Like you wrote on page 47 and I quote, “We Christians are in a spiritual battle and if we want to win the fight we must do so according to the kingdom of God.” I am making a “date with God” every day and it is helping me to stay focused on HIM and not get thrown back and forth emotionally, in and out of dark places like doubt and despair.”-
Peggy Edgarly
OH MY LORD! IT’S AMAZING! You’ve done an excellent job of putting this together and so Spirit lead. In a time where social media and technology has captured the minds of not just unbelievers, but believers also, this is crucial for turning our minds back to God. NEVER allow the passion God placed with you to get discouraged! No one desires to or has the time to meditate on the presence of God and His Word. Success and worldly desires have taken hostage our minds. I believe we’re living in a culture that is hungry and thirsty for what you are doing!
Tony Westbrook, Minister
I am really enjoying going through the meditations. I just finished day 8 (What You Can Feel You Can Heal). I was amazed at how clear I was and how easily I was able to breathe through and invite God in to heal the emotions that came up. I have meditated in the past but fell away from my practice. I am very grateful to have this book as a guide to bringing meditation back into my life. I can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and practice day 9! Angela Ilona
Angela Ilona


christian meditation group

You’ve experienced the transformative power of Christian meditation in your own life, and now, you feel called to share that same peace, clarity, and connection with others. If you’re ready to bring this incredible gift to your church community, The Christian Meditation Journal, along with my Leadership Guide, is the perfect way to start.

By leading a Christian meditation group, you’ll offer your church members an opportunity to quiet their minds, deepen their faith, and experience the renewing of their spirits through Christ-centered mindfulness practices. 

To get you started, I offer a discount when you order 10 or more books. Simply email me for additional information and let’s get your church meditation group off the ground! Let’s work together to bring the power of Christian meditation to your community!


Rhonda Jones is the creator of the award-winning website, The Christian Meditator, and the creator of over 23 Christ-centered meditation and affirmations CDs on a variety of topics. Rhonda’s meditations allow Christians to meditate in a way that completely honors God and will not conflict with their Christian faith.

Rhonda is also the author of Detox Your Life & Awaken Your Inner Spirit,  a 12-week Biblically-based program that integrates Christian Meditation and God’s Word with spiritual and practical lessons to help believers find healing and balance in seven core areas of their life. Rhonda facilitates yearly God Getaway Retreats to help believers create or deepen their Christian meditation practice.

Rhonda Jones started making Christian meditation Cds and recordings back in 2005, when most Christians never even heard of such a thing. Over the years, she has reached thousands with the life-change practice of Christian meditation. If you’re interested in learning how to meditate in daily easy steps, you’ll love her new journal, The Christian Meditation Journal. (258pages)

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