Guided Christian Meditation

Why Guided Christian Meditation?

christian meditation control negative thoughtsMy guided Christian meditation Cds and MP3s can make meditating easier by providing structure to the meditation. You don’t have to worry if you’re doing it wrong.

In addition, guided meditation Cds are often set to soothing background music. This can also help you to relax more easily and quickly. In guided meditation the author voice becomes your spiritual anchor. All you need to do is relax and let go.

Many guided meditation Cds include a theme. You can find meditations on healing, overcoming the past, love, relationships, forgiveness, releasing pain, overcoming negative emotions, and stress relief. Using a guided meditation is very effective in overcoming specific areas or problems. If you are meditating to find relief in a particular area, a guided meditation is the best choice.

Also, each CD contains a narrative. These narratives can be interactive meaning they have you walking in a forest or talking to Jesus. They may also include stories from the Bible or topical scriptures.

Joshua 1:8 tells believers to meditate on God’s word day and night. That means that every Christian should be a meditating Christian. You don’t need a guided meditation to meditate on God, but if you’re serious about Biblical meditation, it’s a helpful tool in getting started.

Christian Meditation Cds Can Help You To:

  • Renew Your Mind
  • Rejuvenate Your Walk with God
  • Be Still and Know God in an Intimate and Personal Way

What Do the Scriptures Say About  Meditation?

* Joshua chapter 1: 8 encourages us to meditate on God’s word day and night.
* Psalms chapter 4: 4: “When you are in your beds, search your hearts and be silent.”
* Psalms 104: 34, that his “meditations be pleasing to the Lord.”
* Isaiah  50:4, “He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.”
* Moses spent 40 days on the mountain abiding and learning from God (Exodus 34-35).
* Paul received revelation and saw visions from heaven (2 Corinthians 12).
* John wrote visions that are recorded in the book of Revelations. There are numerous
scriptural references encouraging us to meditation and abide in God’s presence.

Over 25 Christ-Centered  Meditation Cds  Available For Purchase…

It was meditation integrated with the scriptures that helped me overcome years of depression. Later God inspired me to create a variety of Biblical meditations that allowed believers to receive the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of meditation without compromising their Christian faith. These Christian meditations are full of uplifting scriptures, positive spiritual messages and instructions on how to meditate and relax. Each Christ-centered meditation is set to soft-angelic music and narrated by me, the author.

Each guided  meditation includes:
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  • Soft and relaxing background music or nature sounds.
  • Deep breathing and progressive relaxation exercise.
  • A Biblical narrative that includes uplifting scriptures, positive spiritual affirmations, and instructions on how to relax and meditation.
  • A period of silence.


When we spend time with God by meditating on His Word and abiding in His presence we are literally changed. Christ-centered meditation will help you to cultivate good soil to bear more fruit, live more present centered, maintain peace of mind, create more balance in your life, and enhance your relationship with God. To learn more about Biblical meditation read, Selecting the Best Guided Meditation for you.
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