About Christian No Prep Yoga Plans
“Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” -1 Corinthians 10:31
Yoga has been practiced as exercise for more than 5,000 years. It increases the mind and the body connection, while achieving an overall physical and spiritual wellness. Over the last twenty years in particular, interest in practicing yoga has been on a steady rise. Today, yoga classes are one of the most popular forms of exercise as yoga schools and classes attracting students of all ages and walks of life. There are many different types of yoga so it’s no surprise that Christian yoga now exists.
Christian or faith-based yoga is also on the rise. Now, there are dozens of Christ-centered yoga teacher trainings and even more Christian yoga studios. These teacher trainings instruct participants how to teach yoga from a faith-based perspective. Christian yoga isn’t that much different from other types of yoga and a class will typically be the same. What may differ is the foundation of the class. Christian yoga classes may begin with prayer and teachers may interject scriptures, Bible references, and spiritual inspiration during the class.
So why Christian yoga? Although yoga has gained popularity, many Christians still think it is taboo. This can also be the case with Christian yoga as well. Many will say, how can yoga be Christian? However, as a Christian yoga teacher myself, I believe that the mind, body, and spiritual aspects of yoga enhance my faith instead of deter from it. My yoga practice helps me to quiet my mind, relieve stress, and be in my body which leads to greater sensitivity to God and the Holy Spirit. For those who want to practice yoga but may feel uncomfortable with other forms, Christian yoga provides an alternative.
Unfortunately, many people, even Christians, are often ruled by fear. I can’t tell you how many Christians who shared their fears of yoga at the beginning of one of my yoga classes, only to tell me afterwards how grateful they were, how relaxed they felt, “that was amazing” and “that was just stretching.” Sometimes we fear what we don’t know and instead of taking a class, people would rather throw the baby out with the bath water. But we Christian Yogis no better than this. We know the value of “just being” with God and our yoga practice is just another way to honor God and “be still” in his presence.
For Christian yoga teachers, combining the teachings of physical and spiritual practice require a special approach that can take time and a great deal of planning to put together. No Prep Christian Yoga Plans can help you to plan a yoga class that will meet the spiritual and physical needs of your students, all from a Biblical perspective.
Teach with More
Confidence & Love
As a Christian Yogi, for years I have often begun my classes with biblically-inspired devotional openers. I ended each class with a guided meditation; these are what I am complimented on the most. My students appreciate the little extra effort that go into my classes; not only have they worked out their bodies, but their souls were ministered as well.
As a certified yoga and meditation instructor, I understand the preparation time of a quality yoga class, especially for those new to this platform.
Teaching that first class can give you a case of the jitters since you may still not feel quite as confident in the craft. Having a tool that will supply you with the tools you need makes it a smooth transition. It can make being a new teacher so much more rewarding and freeing. That is why I created this book. Essentially, I personally wanted a tool that allowed me to flip through the pages while having a variety of resources right there and ready to go. I began creating one yoga class per week. Then, I continued creating more upon getting great feedback from my students. Having this simplistic tool makes creating a great yoga class so much easier. – Rhonda
What's Inside:
Getting Started
- Introduction
- Why I Wrote No Prep Yoga Plans
- Yoga Class Combination Chart
- 16 Relaxation Scripts
- Using Essential Oils in Your Class & Chart
- Creating Mindful Awareness
- Devotional Faith-Based Class Openers
Yoga Sequences
- Introduction to Sequences & Poses
- 30 Sequences + 5 Bonus
Guided Meditations
- Christian Meditation Overview
- Guided Christian Meditation Scripts
Yoga Breathing Instruction
- 6 Yoga Breathing Techniques and Instruction
- Verbal Cueing Best Practices and Cues
- At a Glance Poses and Benefits
- Yoga Relief for Common Ailments
Formats: Digital Ebook* or Spiral-Bound
*Can print and add to binder!
“These No Prep Yoga Plans are Amazing!”
“They Are Wonderful!”
Hi Rhonda!