Make Daily Christian Meditations a Part of Your Daily Devotional or Quiet Time With These 5-Minutes with God Morning meditations.

Start everyday meditating on the Lord with these free daily Christian meditations allowing God’s Word to penetrate your heart and mind or spend 5 minutes with your eyes closed meditating on these uplifting and inspiring words.

Topics include everything that promotes health, success, well-being, and more. See sample:

Listen to FREE Daily Christian Meditations Today & Spend Time in God’s Presence! 

See videos below:

daily christian meditation

This is the day the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.

1. Read the above meditation 3 times aloud.
Each time you read it, place emphasize on a different word.
2. Take a deep breathe in…exhale. Repeat.
3. Close your eyes and silently repeat the meditation 3 times in alignment with your breathing.
4. Take in another deep cleansing breathe and exhale.
5. Spend a few more moments enjoying the silence.
6. Open your eyes.
7. Ask God to make these words alive in you today.
8. Ponder the meditation throughout the day.
9. Thank God for His divine love, guidance, and protection
and have a blessed day!

May God’s blessings, joy, and peace overtake you today!


Dear Ms. Jones,
I wanted to send you a note and say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I came across your website a couple of months aog and signed up for the Daily Christian Meditations. You have no idea how much I look forward to receiving them each and every day. It has helped me so much, there are not words to express it. I ask you to please accept this gift to be used as needed for your wonderful work you are doing and pray you will continually do it and that God will greatly and mightily bless the works of your hands that all you touch will prosper!!…

Dear Friend,
The Daily Christian Meditation is such a peaceful and lovely start to my day!
Love- Lynn

It’s been on my mind to tell you how thankful I am for the Christian Meditation daily. I have long suffered from anxiety and in my attempt to get better I tried my best to find “anything” that would help and divinely I found your site. Your daily emails are now something I look forward to, every email seems as though it was written with me in mind. I just want to say thanks. God bless you and what work you do.
-Thysha Shabazz


be still and know meditation membership

In God's Presence is Fullness of Joy

Hello, my name is Rhonda Jones, aka, the Christian Meditator.

The way we start our day is important our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Many rush through their mornings without experiencing the peace that only God can bring.  Use daily Christian meditations as a part of your morning self-care routine to give God the first fruits of your day.

Over the past 15 years, I have been sharing the transformative practice of Christian meditation to reduce stress, restore peace of mind, find inner healing, and draw closer to God.

Are you ready to breathe new life into your Christian walk? Sign up for daily Christian meditations today!

Discover the Healing Power of Christian Meditation
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