Do You Desire a Deeper Relationship with God?

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Draw Nigh to God & He Will Draw Nigh to You

Do you have a consistent quiet time, daily devotional, and/or talk to God often? It’s so important to spend time with God and abide in his presence. Building your life on the rock of Christ, makes the Lord center-stage in your life. 

Even though you may be a devoted believer who loves the Lord, you may struggle with balancing your time between Christ and the world. It’s so easy to get caught up in living that we neglect our spiritual growth and development. If we don’t cultivate our relationship with Christ on a personal level, God can begin to seem distant or far-away. Without Christ at your center, you can begin to operate in your own strength. Carving out time consistently to abide with God will go a long way to help you gain balance and perspective. Having spiritual self-care routine that includes a variety of Christian meditations at your disposal will encourage you to spend more time in God’s presence. 

If you have fallen away from God, I invite you to restore your relationship Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.  He is the only sure foundation on which you can successfully stand.

Never heap any condemnation on yourself but ask God to help you make Him a priority. You can also move towards God through Christian meditation by meditating on God’s word and abiding in his transformative presence.

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Transform Your Life by Drawing Closer to God

“In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”  Psalms 46:10 declares, “Be still and know that I am God. Could our busy lives and distractions be getting in the way of a more intimate relationship with Christ? It’s so easy to get bogged down with the “cares of the world” and neglect our time and fellowship with the Father. Many years ago I was an active church-goer. I taught Sunday School and was involved in almost every ministry out there. At about 10 years of faithful service my heart began to yearn for something more. I lost my vigor for church and its activities. I began to sense that there had to be more to this walk of faith. 

It was also around that time that I was also battling chronic depression. I would ask myself, “How could I be a Christian and yet be so depressed? Shouldn’t I have the joy of the Lord?” Around that same time, I pretty much stopped going to church. I got tired of leaving there feeling just as unhappy as when I arrived. Then something happened. I began to seek the Messiah on my own. I began to read the scriptures and journal.  I also began to just sit in silence with the Lord or play soft music in the background. I literally felt the presence of God enters my room. This is when I believe I really met the Lord and learned to abide in His Presence. I got a hunger for the Lord like never before and as a result grew stronger in my faith and commitment to the Messiah. Years later, after receiving a divine healing encounter with God, I started this ministry to help others not only know of God but to know Him in a more intimate way. 

Strategies to Help You to Draw Closer to God

  1. Download the Scripture Meditation: Using God’s Word to Restore Your Peace of Mind – Read through it. Try to incorporate 5-10 minutes of scripture meditation into your day. You can do while beginning your lunch break or even before leaving for home. It’s time to create the quiet moments so that you can create a greater space for God.
  2. Make Your Relationship with God a Priority– I believe we are as close to God as we desire to be. In order to grow in greater intimacy with God, you must spend time with Him. Jesus said He abides in us, when we abide in Him. This can be accomplished by creating a daily quiet time or morning routine dedicated to spiritual practices that create a greater space for God in your life.
  3. Create a Daily Meditation Practice- Meditation helps us to quiet our minds, go inward, and release the mental and emotional toxins hindering God’s love and light from flowing freely in our lives. It can also help us to become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit living within us, who wants to guide us into all truth.
  4. Make an Appointment with God- God is our CEO, but many of us aren’t checking in with Him regularly. On your calendar, schedule in an appointment with God to be with Him and dwell in his presence.
  5. Become One with Christ- The Bible tells us that the kingdom of God is within us. We don’t have to seek God externally because He already resides within our hearts. Instead, consider the ways that you may be blocking or quenching God’s Spirit within. Christ wants to live in you and through you. Allow Him to do the work by surrendering to His gentle calls. Jesus said, “I and the Father are One.” 

Ready to Draw Closer to God?

Many people believe that if they just get quiet and close their eyes, they are meditating; however, their bodies may be still, but their minds are all over the place. This is when many Christians give up and miss out on the benefits of this transformative practice. Ready to learn how to meditate to draw closer to God? Check out these two resources to get you started!

Discover the Healing Power of Christian Meditation
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