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Try Christian Meditation & Discover Its Benefits for Yourself!

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”14″ font_font=”Lucida” font_style=”bold”]If you’ve struggled with negative thoughts, stress, or feeling disconnected from God, try this 20-minute guided Christian Meditation Today for FREE![/text_block]


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  • Christ-Centered
  • Progressive Relaxation
  • Relaxing Background Music


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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”36″ font_font=”Lucida” font_style=”normal” font_spacing=”1″ font_shadow=”dark”]Find Out How Christian Meditation Can Transform your Life and  Relationship with God. [/text_block]

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Are Negative Thoughts Impacting Your Peace of Mind?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Lucida” font_style=”normal”]

Discover how Christian Meditation can help you to overcome worry and negative thinking that promotes inner healing.


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Is Stress Robbing You of Your Health?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Lucida” font_style=”normal”]

Dis-Ease can cause disease. Promote physical health and wellness by eliminating and reducing stress by dwelling in God’s presence and meditating on His word.


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Are You Feeling  Disconnected From God?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Lucida” font_style=”normal”]Christian meditation helps us to connect with God on a spiritual level that builds closeness and intimacy with the person of Christ.[/text_block]

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Christian meditation and inner healing

Do You Need Inner Healing?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Lucida” font_style=”normal”]Find out how Christian meditation can give us the courage to confront and heal old and buried memories with love and compassion.[/text_block]

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What Makes Christian Meditation Different?

Biblical Meditation is different than traditional meditation in that believers are meditating on God, his presence, his glory, and his Word.

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Droid%20Sans” font_style=”normal”]In today’s fast-paced, increasingly secular society, it’s harder than ever to be a Christ-like—not just to attend church and read His Word, but to truly live surrendered to Lord. We cannot truly grow spiritually or fulfill the great commission if our minds are constantly filled with distractions and mindless chatter. Because of this, it has become easier and easier for satan to weaken our lines of communication with God. Our souls always long for God, but as the world grows louder, our faith and our need for our Savior are drowned out by all the noise. 

We are tired, we are busy, we are distracted, and so many of us desperately need help to relearn how to receive and abide His Presence. But, as with so many things, the answer lies within our innate connection to Him. And the key to that door is dwelling in God’s presence or Christian meditation

 But maybe you are wary of meditation. Many Christians today view meditation as a new-age or pagan phenomenon, closely related to witchcraft, secularism and anti-Christian, but these beliefs are false. Meditation, like the written word, is a tool that can be used by any person for any purpose, and one of its most divine purposes is to strengthen and clarify your relationship with the Lord. The Bible even uses the word “meditate” many times, each time encouraging us to pray and reflect upon the glory of the Lord.

 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”- Joshua 1:8

When Christians run from the idea of meditation in fear that it will leave them vulnerable to satan or to other evil spirits, they forget what meditation really is in the simplest terms. To meditate is to devote the entirety of your being to one thought, feeling or idea. Any time you find yourself focusing wholly on one thought(whether you’re trying to solve a problem or simply ruminating on how angry you are with another person), you are, in fact, practicing a form of meditation! 

Since we meditate every day, whether we intend to or not, it follows that Christian meditation would be a natural, accessible way for us to achieve our spiritual and emotional goals. What opens you up to evil is unbridled meditation—that is, a sense of focus and obsession that operates outside of your control. When you fail to direct your whole being to hearing and receiving from the Lord, it becomes easy to obsess over the darker, harmful emotional impulses that the world around us can so easily encourage.



Most Christians are Dissatisfied with their Devotional Time with God

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Lucida”]I recently did a survey that told me that over 85% of Christians were not satisfied with their quiet time with God, yet 97% said it was essential to their Christian walk.  What do you think was at the top of the list?


Our society has become so busyness oriented that it really feels foreign to just “be still.” Even if our bodies our still, our minds are racing and many of us have no idea how to turn these voices off inside our head.

Aside from that, many Christians also suffer from stinking thinking and need to renew their minds and root our toxic emotions.

In fact, as a Christian, I suffered from 4-years of chronic depression. Then by complete accident, I discovered the life changing practice of Christian meditation. Not only did it help me to overcome depression and negative thinking, it also transformed my relationship with God.

Now, not only do I know about God, I have a deeper and more intimate relationship with him. In general, I live with more peace, joy, and contentment in my life, and I completely attribute all the wonderful benefits of learning to meditate from a Christian perspective.

Isaiah 26:3 says, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” If you are experiencing stress, battling with worry or negative thoughts, or feeling disconnected from God on a heart-to-heart level, dwelling in God’s presence and meditating on his Word can heal your life and transform your relationship with the Messiah.[/text_block]

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What are Others Saying About Christian Meditation?

“I have bought Cd’s for my parents, and often recommend them to hurting folks who are struggling with depression, anxiety, and in particular chronic pain. I get a positive response from everyone who has used them! They are a blessing indeed – as are the Christian Meditator emails and the Christian meditation website. Thanks, Rhonda!”

Dr. Deni Weber, Psy. D
Dr. Deni Weber, Psy. D
Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Thank you so much for these beautiful guided Christian meditations. As a long time member of a 12 step program I was introduced to God, then over time led by the Spirit to Christ. I came to realize that the meditation I had been doing, while surely helpful, was not what I needed as a born again Christian. So I stopped meditating. Lately, …

T. Howard
T. Howard

Learn How to Meditate, Deepen Your Practice, & Fellowship with Like-Minded Believers in Beautiful Costa Rica! There’s Still Time to Sign Up! Easy Payment Plan.

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