50 Plus Spiritual Reasons to Meditate on the Lord Daily!

50 Spiritual Reasons to Meditate on the Lord Daily. #christianmeditation
50 Spiritual Reasons to Meditate on the Lord Daily


Ever wondered what is the value of spending time with God daily to meditate on his Word, character, and glory and  abide in His presence? If so, here is a list of 50 spiritual reasons why every Christian should meditate daily:

  1. To demonstrates your trust in God.
  2. To accomplish more by seeking God first.
  3. To access the mind of Christ.
  4. To become more sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
  5. To squash every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
  6. To gain more freedom over your thought life.
  7. To meditate on the goodness of God.
  8. To hide God’s Word in your heart.
  9. To win the battle over your mind.
  10. To learn how to become a human “being” instead of a “human “doing.”
  11. To break the cycle of busyness and urgency.
  12. To be washed by the blood of the lamb.
  13. To get your attention back on God.
  14. To check in with God and connect with Him.
  15. To gain greater discipline.
  16. To reduce your distractions to internal and external forces.
  17. You want more success in life. (Joshua 1:8)
  18. So you don’t sin against the Lord.
  19. To break addictive patterns of behavior.
  20. To allow God to heal you, mind, body, and spirit.
  21. To learn to live in the present moment.
  22. To be insulated with Christ from the world.
  23. To build your confidence in the Lord.
  24. To enter into God’s rest.
  25. To seek God’s direction.
  26. To lean on God for support.
  27. To cast all your cares upon the Lord.
  28. In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.
  29. To overcome compulsive behaviors. 
  30. To enter into God’s transforming presence.
  31. To become the clay that God can mold.
  32. God’s presence is no darkness.
  33. So that the light of God presence can remove all dark places in your soul and heart.
  34. To allow God to purify your heart.
  35. Jesus encourages us to be still and know Him.
  36. It was Jesus daily custom to find a solitary place pray and spend time with God.
  37. In God’s presence is fullness of joy.
  38. We cannot be in God’s presence and NOT be changed. (Remember the tax collector.)
  39. Only God can change you.
  40. To submit and surrender to the indwelling and transformative power of the Holy Spirit.
  41. When you draw closer to God, He draws closer to me.
  42. To worship God in Spirit and in Truth.
  43. So that God’s Spirit can live, move, and have His being in you.
  44. So that you may learn to stop striving.
  45. To let go and let God.
  46. To break my attachments and longings to the world.
  47. So that Jesus can love on you.
  48. To feel and experience God’s presence.
  49. To fellowship with the Lord.
  50. To be filled with the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. 
  51. To receive power from on high. (And you will receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you.)
  52. To grow in Godly wisdom and stature. 
  53. To start your day refreshed and renewed.
  54. To sleep better at night by releasing the cares and activities of the day.
  55. To restore your peace of Mind. ( I will keep you in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon me.)
  56. To listen to what God might be trying to say to you.
  57. To release the grip of the world and contemporary idols have over your life. 
  58. To possess the fruits of the Spirit.
  59. To break every bondage and chain of the enemy in your life.
  60. To turn from self-preservation to God preservation.
  61. To worship God and give Him Glory.

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