Living without Fear Means Walking in Faith

Living without Fear Means Walking in FaithI think if I was standing in the presence of God and he would grant me “one” request as I fulfill my days on the earth, I would ask, “Lord, grant me the ability to live my life free from fearFear of what you might ask.


Fear of failure

Fear of loss

Fear of looking stupid

Fear of saying the wrong thing

Fear of taking risks

Fear of lack or poverty

Fear of disease or bad health

Fear of accidents or injury

Fear of making the wrong decision

Fear of the future

Fear of losing loved ones

Fear of not getting my needs met


Fear of ANYTHING that robs me of living with God’s PEACE, JOY, and CONTENTMENT every minute of everyday.


Now looking at that list you might think, Wow, she’s just a fireball of fear.  But that simply isn’t true.   I think if we’re being honest we all suffer from feelings of fear every now and then; some of us more frequently than others.


What is so interesting about fear is that it plays on our perceptions of what might or could happen instead of what actually is.  Fear always projects an unseen future usually based on imagined outcomes.  Fear takes our minds out of the present moment and ushers us into a drama, a mental mind movie of devastation or misfortune. But statistically, most of the things we fear never happen.


Fear robs us of our peace and joy and replaces it with worry and anxiety and then it deceives us into believing that our excessive worrying will change the outcome.  In fact, the very opposite is true. It’s more likely that worrying about a condition will produce that very thing, as Job stated “The thing I feared came upon me.”


Next, fear motivates us to take actions and steps to try and rectify our imagined dilemma (the one that only exist in our heads). How crazy is that? But we do it everyday:


  • Marrying the wrong man or women for fear of being alone
  • Taking a job you clearly aren’t suited for or desire when you know it’s not from God
  • Hoarding your income for fear of not having enough
  • Working 12 hours a day for fear of lack


Granted, each case is different and unique but we all know when we are being motivated by fear instead of having faith to trust in and wait on God.


Most importantly, fear is not from God.  Fear is a lower level emotion right out of the pit of hell and although it can be powerful, it is at the very root of every debilitating emotion or mindset: hate, prejudice, worry, jealously, control, insecurity, legalism, unbelief, doubt, depression, and everything evil.


Fear is the complete opposite of faith. As believers of Jesus Christ, our faith should never be in ourselves or outside influences. The Bible tells us to “Have faith in God.”  Why? 1) He is the only constant in life, therefore what He said 2000 years ago applies today. 2) He is God the master and ruler of everything. 3) He sees the bigger picture, the beginning and the end. 4) What is our alternative?  He is our hope. 4) Nothing is impossible with Him.


Proverbs tells us to “Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not to your own understanding.”  That often requires patience and stillness, to wait on God until he answers or supplies our needs and to thank Him for everything, even those things we don’t understand or seem unfair.


Can you imagine living free of all fear? What would you do if nothing could hold you back?  How would you live if you knew and truly believed God had it all under control? How would your life be different if you denounced all your fears, got out of the boat and starting walking on the water?    Think about it.


So today as we embrace a life of fearlessness, let’s proclaim:


I trust God 100%

I trust God Absolutely.

I trust God and nothing else.

I trust God instead of appearances or what I can see.

I trust God beyond what I feel.

I trust God in spite of less than favorable circumstances.

I trust God to never leave me or forsake me.

I trust God to meet ALL my needs.


As I enter into my quiet time and into the presence of God, I release any and all fear and I affirm my trust in You.


I truly believe it is those who conquer their fears and rise above their mental minutia enter into a place of peace, rest, success, and joy in God.


Today, do something that you wouldn’t normally do because of the fear of looking silly or feeling like you won’t succeed.  As Nike says, “Just Do It.”


Please Share One:

So What Would Be Your One Request Of God?

What Would You Do In Your Life of Fearlessness?

What One Action Will You Take Today In Spite of Fear?

 < ><–>

3 thoughts on “Living without Fear Means Walking in Faith”

  1. My request One Request of God would be the same, to be fearless.
    If I was granted with fearlessness I would be more spontaneous, more open minded, I would take more adventures and be more light hearted. I would probably attract wonderful people and circumstances into my life.

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