Bedtime Blessings Christian Meditation CD (Includes Affirmations for Young Children)

Bedtime Blessing Christian Meditation for Children



CD- $16.95
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This CD contains the two Christian meditations, Bedtime Blessings Christian Meditation CD for Children and Affirmations for Young Children. Each meditation begins with a progressive relaxation followed by Biblical narrative and relaxing music.

BEDTIME BLESSINGS-A Biblical Bedtime Meditation for Children:

It’s never too early to instill Godly principles in our children. Make bedtime a fun daily ritual with our Biblical Bedtime Meditation for Young Children. As your child drifts off to sleep, he or she hears about God’s love and protection, their great purpose in life, and forgiveness. The meditation also teaches them to relax the different parts of their body. This CD is also great for naptimes at Christian preschools and daycare centers. (17 minutes)


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AFFIRMATIONS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN that you can also play while your child is sleep or doing any other activity during the day. The affirmations, based on scriptures and biblical principles teach children about Jesus, faith, confidence, hard-work, respect, kindness, and more.(22 minutes) Affirmations samples include positive statements like:

“I am special to God.”
“God created me and I am here for a purpose.”
“I am kind to others because they are God’s children too.”


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Ages 0-12


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