Meditate Your Way Christian Meditation Virtual Workshop

Meditate Your Way to a Happier, Holier, and Healthier Life Christian Meditation Online Virtual Workshop 

Learn Christian meditation from the comfort of your own home.

Enjoy This Virtual Meditation Workshop From the Comfort of Your Own Home!

  Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Have you ever been told that you have the power to heal yourself? Do you believe that God has equipped you with a whole internal system that is designed to bring us closer to divinity in Him? If no one has ever told you that, then I am here to tell you that from here on out, your life will never be the same! It is time to break every mental chain that may be preventing you from experiencing the glory of God from within.

Did You Know That You’re Mind Can Actually Interfere with Your Healing?

There is a direct correlation between your thoughts and your mental, emotional, and physical health? Often the mind keeps us trapped in painful patterns and limiting beliefs to protect us; however, this can hinder our ability to release these experiences and let them go. Through meditation, we can learn to transcend and master the mind to eradicate hidden and faulty internal beliefs which can then bring about inner healing.

My Story…

I remember what it felt like to not know the inner freedom and bliss that God provides when you draw closer to Him. For several years, I had a long and hard battle with depression. The darkness I felt was close to almost unbearable. I was so filled with despair and hopelessness because I just couldn’t pull myself out of my suffering. From the inside, it felt like a raging storm over treacherous waters that would never cease. I felt totally alone in the way that I was feeling and thought that God had abandoned me because I could no longer hear Him. I was quite literally a slave to my toxic thinking and mentality. It was purely by accident that I discovered the healing affects of meditation. So after, I began to heal myself by incorporating a daily meditation practice into my life, changing my story, and being committed to renewing my mind. With several months I went from complete despair to peace of mind. I am proof that anyone can turn their life around and become a living testimony that shows how fearfully and wonderfully made we are through God’s image. The things that I have triumphed through have inspired me to create a workshop that will allow you to change your story and be the light that God has always wanted you to be.

Let’s start with the mind..

There are two major components to your mind: the conscious and subconscious. Your conscious mind operates in the present and is always assisting with making decisions in your waking life. The subconscious, however, is a little more complex. It operates behind the scenes and is basically the driving force that influences the conscious. It is where our belief systems, unresolved conflicts, repressed feelings, and shadow self resides. The mind is a powerful thing and at times interferes with the healing that you need. When I was dealing with depression, I was protecting the way I felt (no matter how icky it was) and using coping mechanisms to make excuses for why I wasn’t strong enough to heal my mind. I was blocking my own healing which inadvertently made me block out God as well. This further exasperated the problem and created more issues such as limiting beliefs, toxic emotions, guilt and masquerading as if everything was alright. Does this sound familiar? Have you had a similar experience?

In order to facilitate my healing, I had to quit MEDICATING and start MEDITATING.

In this workshop, I am going to show you different and effective ways of meditating and how it benefits your entire well-being.  Some of the benefits include:

  • Present-centered living: Learning how to live in the present moment
  • Daily renewal: Controlling your thoughts and eliminating unhealthy thought patterns
  • Releasing and letting go of what no longer serves you
  • Balanced and authentic living: Learning how to check in with self and be aware of your thinking

And more importantly!

  • Connecting with God’s Spirit: Developing a deeper relationship with God and quieting the mind to focus on his voice

When the mind is healed, the body will follow!

When I was depressed, I also suffered from stress-induced illnesses that were chronic and bothersome. No amount of medicine really helped to treat the real problem that was at the source of my turmoil. Studies show that 90% of diseases are linked to stress. This is due to major energetic imbalances and blockages that are not being released properly. These illnesses include but are not limited to heart disease, circulatory problems, anxiety attacks, and frequent colds and viruses. These are physical manifestations of the toxicity that accumulates in your mind. Meditation has proven to be very effective with the reduction of stress on a daily basis.

So who is the Chair of your mind committee?

Are you more of a pessimist? Do you find yourself always fearful of the unknown? Do you have a nasty habit of doubting any and everything? Are you very judgmental and critical of others?  Why do you constantly worry about things you cannot control? Is being practical all the time more of your chosen speed? It’s time for you to change your Chair for good. It’s up to YOU to take control of your mind committee! Stop trying to self-medicate with busyness, overeating, and sexual relationships. STOP burying and hiding your emotions! Stop DENYING your truth! STOP dulling your light!

It’s not your job to carry this toxic luggage around. You were not designed for it!

Healing your mind and incorporating meditation will inevitably give you the gift of peace. In order to see and feel the change you want to experience on the outside, you have to go on the inside to nurture yourself. Practicing the art of loving and accepting yourself through meditating will allow you to function in joyful way that will radiate God’s light to others who are in need as well. You will be more motivated to seek God’s calling and purpose for your life and spread the peace that you are experiencing regularly.

If HE believes in you, what’s stopping YOU from believing in you?

meditation online workshop

      The Mind, Meditation, and Inner Healing  is a 2- Hour Virtual Workshop That is Divided into 4 Parts: (20-40 minutes each)


Video Part # 1 – You’ll Learn:

  • Introduction and Bio
  • Understand Your Mind
  • The Mind, Body Connection
  • How to Take Charge of Your Mind Committee
  • How the Mind Interferes with Inner Healing
  • How to Heal What you Can Feel

Video Part #2 – You’ll Learn:

  • What is Meditation?
  • Five Components to Meditation Success.
  • The Four Types of Meditation Techniques That Anyone Can Do.

Videos Part #3 – You’ll Learn How Meditation Can Help You to:

  • Create More Joy By Living in the Present Moment
  • Overcome Negative Thoughts and Patterns
  • Uncover, Release, Let Go, and Heal Your Past Hurts and Regrets

Videos Part #4 – You’ll Learn How Meditation Can Help You to:

    • Live a More Balanced and Authentic Life
    • Eliminate Stress and Toxic Emotions
    • Connect with God on a Deeper Level
    • Tips & Tools for Emotional and Inner Healing
    • What To Do After the Meditation

In Addition You’ll Receive the Following Videos:


yoga for relaxation

Additional Videos/Meditations That Are Included In this Workshop:

  • Guided Healing Christian Meditation for Inner Healing
  • Guided Sensory Meditation for Tuning into the Body
  • Guided Mindfulness Meditation for Calming the Mind
  • Yoga Poses that Promote Stress Relief and Relaxation

Two AWESOME Bonus Videos:

These two videos authored by a Christian Health Expert breaks down with research, knowledge, and his experience of just how our thoughts and attitudes can affect our physical health. The information you will here is simply mind-blowing and will change your life.

your attitude

“Studies show that one negative thought lowers the immune system for 22 hours!”

Bonus Videos That Will Support You in Your Healing:

  • Your Attitude and Your Health – Part 1 (60 minutes)
  • Your Attitude and Your Health – Part 2  (60 minutes)

Are Your Ready to Take Control of Your Life and Live with More Peace, Joy, and Purpose?

mind meditation inner healing
You’ll Receive Immediate Access to the Workshop Member’s Page!



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