Christian Meditation Courses, Classes, Books, & More

- Deepen your relationship with God?
- Change Your Life in Some Way?
- Eliminate Negative Thinking? Restore Your Peace of Mind?
- Relax More and Reduce Stress?
- Follow Your Heart and Live with More Authenticity?
- Live with More Power, Focus, and Purpose?
If so, we have put together a list of products that promote all the above and at extremely affordable prices.
Check them out:[/text_block]

10-Week Online Christian Meditation Course- Coming Soon!
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- Establish a consistent meditation practice?
- Learn how to meditate correctly?
- Share you experience with other like-minded individuals?
- Get all your questions answered about Christian meditation?
- Learn a variety of techniques to de-stress, control negative thoughts, and release toxic emotions?

Coming Soon! The Christian Meditator’s Listening Library
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- Exclusive Access to Over 50 Christian Meditation and Affirmation Recordings with More Being Added!
- Enhance your Quiet Time: Use guided meditations to enhance your quiet time with God.
- Choose From a Variety of Topics: Find meditations and affirmations to help you work through a variety of situations and circumstances.
- Play Them 24/7 From a Variety of Devices or Platforms.

Help Me God Change My Life Personal Development Program
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- Transform your life in seven key areas.
- Rid your mind of toxic attitudes and beliefs related to fear, negativity, anger, insecurity and self-doubt.
- Developing a closer, more intimate relationship with God.
- Cleansing and healing your physical body from the inside out.
- Clearing your environment and surroundings.


Create a Daily Power Hour with The Date with God Devotional Set
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- Start your day refreshed and renewed.
- Clear away any negative thoughts or limiting beliefs standing in the way of your progress.
- Reconnect with God for strength and direction.
- Begin each day with a focused plan of action.
- Find usual tools to help you reach your desires and goals.
- And Much More!

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life