Affiliate Email Promotions

[spoiler title=”Help God Email Sales Letter #1″ style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]

Headline: Is Your Life In Need of a Makeover?

Dear Friend,

God wants his children to be happy and whole. Yet the honest reality is that many believers suffer from depression, stress, worry, confusion, and other toxins that get in the way of their success in life. You may be struggling in this area as well.

Recently, I was introduced to a program titled Help Me God! Change My Life (affiliate link)that I wanted to share with you. This is a 12-week biblically-based program for believers who want to get their life back on track. If you feel like your life is out of balance, you feel disconnected from God, you’re seeking your purpose, suffer from poor health, have disharmony in your relationships, or battle with fear, worry, or depression, this program may be for you! The spiritual and practical lessons, along with the integrated meditations and the daily Diver Deeper action plan, will help you to systematically to uncover and eliminate the mental, emotional, and physical toxins or mindsets that are prohibiting you from experiencing God’s best in your life.

There is a scripture in the Bible that says, the eye is the light of the body, and if our eye is evil or full of darkness we are incapable of receiving God’s light. When we have dirt, blemishes, and smudges on the windows of our heart, it acts as a shield that repels the light and promises of God. And the greater the darkness, the less light that can shine through. When we remove the toxins from our life (our fears, limiting beliefs, doubt, wounds, and false mindsets), we allow good health, peace of mind, faith, joy, abundance and overall well-being to flow fully and freely in our lives as well.

Help Me God! Change My Life (affiliate link) contains over 80 lessons and daily action plans called Diving Deeper that address the seven most important core areas of your life and helps you to bring them in harmony and balance with God’s word and wisdom. The seven areas include your detoxing your mind, spirit, body, home, time vision, and relationships. The book or ebook also includes 3 Christ-centered meditations downloads created just for the program.

According to the author Rhonda Jones, “I believe that transformation begins from within at the subconscious level. The meditations are designed to transcend your mind and intellect and to penetrate deep within your inner spirit where true change takes place. The book and Cd work together as a power catalyst for personal growth and change.”

Jones is the author of 25 Christian Meditation and Affirmation CDs. Therefore Help Me God! Change My Life is designed to heal the whole you, the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual you.

To learn more about the program, please visit Help Me God Change My Life (affiliate link).

Yours truly,

Your Name



[spoiler title=”Help Me God Email Sales Letter #2″ style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]


Headline: Finally, A Spiritual Approach to Healing Your Life and Awakening Your Inner Spirit

Would you like to eliminate the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical toxins that are interfering with your overall health, well-being and a more intimate relationship with God? Just released is a brand new e-program titled Help Me God! Change My Life that will teach you how.

The aim of this Christian health, fitness, and wellness program is to help believers and other spiritual seekers cleanse themselves of pollutants that interfere with their overall health, well-being, and God’s best for their lives.

Help Me God! Change My Life takes a spiritual and holistic approach to health and healing. “The program is unique in that most self-help programs address one or more specific areas like clearing clutter or overcoming emotional eating instead of uncovering the source of many problems. However, once we change our thoughts and cleanse our heart, the natural byproduct is a healthier body and outer world,” say the author Rhonda Jones, Health and Spiritual Coach Rhonda Jones.

The 12-week self-study program guides members through detoxing seven core areas starting with the mind and then progressing to the spirit, body, relationships, schedule, environment, vision or purpose. “When we are out of balance in one area, it tends to flow over to other areas as well,” says Jones. “Jesus said, when referring to the physical body, that when one member suffers, the whole body is affected. It’s just like spot-reducing,” said Jones, “fitness experts will tell you there is no such thing. You must exercise the whole body just to lose weight in your waist or thighs. That’s why addressing the core or root cause is so important.”

The program contains a 375-page ebook that includes 80 daily spiritual and practical lessons and comes with 3 Christ-centered meditations or CD designed specifically for this program. “The meditations are designed to help participants move beyond their conscious thoughts and behaviors and begin to make changes at the subconscious level,” says Jones. Each day, members spend quiet time with God, meditate on scripture, journal their thoughts and inspirations, and complete the “Diving Deeper” portion of the lesson to identify barriers like fear, doubt, negative thinking, or limiting beliefs. Participants then complete one or more spiritual or practical activities aimed to successfully resolve these blockages once and for all.

Jones, who is also the creator of 23 Christian meditation and affirmation recordings created Help Me God! Change My Life to address the numerous inquiries she receives each week from website visitors asking her how God lead her from a deep depression to joy, peace, and victory. “It was Christian meditation integrated with various biblical insights and spiritual disciplines that turned my life around,” said Jones.

Jones has been selling her Christian meditations online for over five years, has boasted over 500,000 hits per month from Christians looking for ways to de-stress, relax, and create greater intimacy with God.

Help Me God! Change My Life can be purchased HERE. (affiliate link) [/spoiler]

[spoiler title=”Help Me God Email Sales Letter #3″ style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]

Headline: Finally, A Spiritual Approach to Healing Your Life and Awakening Your Inner Spirit

Dear Friend,

Are you feeling overwhelmed with life, do struggle with depression, feel tired and sluggish, or know that your life is completely out of balance?

I just learned about a new program titled Help Me God! Change My Life that has just been released by Serenity Enterprises to help you put your life back on track!

The aim of the 12-week Biblically-based program is to help Christians and other spiritual seekers to eliminate the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical toxins that interfere with their overall health and well-being.

The program takes a biblical and holistic approach to health and healing. It contains a 375-page ebook that includes 80 daily spiritual and practical lessons and comes with 3 Christ-centered meditation downloadable recordings. “The meditations are designed to help participants move beyond their conscious thoughts and behaviors and begin to make changes at the subconscious level,” author Rhonda Jones.

Each day, readers are asked to spend quiet time with God, meditate on scripture, journal their thoughts and inspiration, and complete the “Diving Deeper” portion of the lesson which helps them to identify blockages to their well-being and success and work through them.

Help Me God! Change My Life ((affiliate link) ) guides readers through detoxing seven core areas starting with the mind and then progressing to the spirit, body, relationships, schedule, environment, vision or purpose. “When we are out of balance in one area, it tends to flow over to other areas as well,” said Jones. “Jesus said when one member suffers, the whole body is affected.”

“Most self-help programs address one or two specific areas instead of uncovering the source of the problems, which most often begins with a renewing of the mind and purification of the spirit. Once we change our thoughts and cleanse our heart, the natural byproduct is a healthier body and outer world,” stated Jones.

Jones, who is also the creator of 23 Christian meditation and affirmation recordings said she created the e-program to address the numerous inquiries she receives each week from website visitors asking her how God lead her from a deep depression to joy, peace, and victory. “It was Christian meditation integrated with various spiritual insights and disciplines that turned my life around,” said Jones.

Jones has been selling her Christian meditations online for a little over eight years, and is happy to help Christians looking for ways to de-stress, relax, and create greater intimacy with God.

Help Me God! Change My Life can be purchased at (e-junkie link) or learn more. (affiliate link) [/spoiler]

[spoiler title=”Best of Christian Meditation Sales Letter #1″ style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]

Headline: Finally, A Simple No Fuss Approach to
Christian Meditation

Dear Friend,

Does your heart and soul yearn for the Living God? Are you seeking a deeper relationship with God and want to know Him on a more intimate level?

Or maybe you suffer from negative thinking, anxiety, stress, or depression. Your joy is gone and your peace of mind is almost non-existence.

If you want a deeper relationship with God or want to restore your peace and joy, I have the program just for believers like you!

The Best of Christian Meditation by Rhonda Jones, includes her popular ebook to help you start experiencing God in a new and authentic way and 7 pre-recorded guided Christ-centered meditations for immediate download.

So if you really want a more fruitful walk with God and to
increase your joy and peace, this program is definitely for YOU!

You Won’t Find a Package Like This Anywhere on the Internet! The Eguide “Christian Meditation & Greater Intimacy with God” and 7 Guided Christ-Centered Meditation Recordings Will Change Your Life and Christian Walk.

Along with the Christian Meditation & Greater Intimacy with God ebook, you will receive seven of her most popular Christian meditation recording downloads. These guided meditations begin with a progressive relaxation followed by uplifting scriptures, bible affirmations, and stories all set to soothing background music. These meditation recordings allow you to experience the benefits of meditation in a way that completely honors your Christian faith.

To learn more or purchase The Best of Christian Meditation visit Meditation 4 Christians (your clickbank hoplink).

Your Truly,

Your Name
affiliate link[/spoiler]

[spoiler title=”Christian Power Hour Sales Letter” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]

Headline: Is Something Missing From Your

Daily Devotional Time?

Dear Christian Friend,

Do you ever wake up feeling like there’s never enough time in the day to do all that you need to accomplish? I don’t know about you, but there was time that I would literally wake up and instantly start running through my day without any thought behind slowing down. I also felt as though I would miss something if I didn’t constantly keep myself on the go. To my surprise, the reality was that in the midst of all my running around, I really WAS missing something pretty important. I wasn’t making time for the one person who gives me new breath every morning to do all I need to do in the first place!

When I committed myself to taking the time out to really feel God’s presence, my sense of urgency in life started to dissipate. What I discovered was that I was making MORE work for myself than I needed to. I wasn’t designed to stress myself out as much as I was! In Exodus 33:14, God says “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” It boggled my mind when I realized that all I had to do was learn how to take the time to really feel His presence, listen for his voice, and just surrender to His will.

Right now, I know that you’re curious about how exactly I was able to do this. Well, I came across this program called The Christian Power Hour, created by Rhonda Jones.  Her program consists of 12 steps that are incorporated into just ONE hour per day. Yes, taking just one hour out of your morning to recharge your Spirit while meditating on God can really transform your entire life! Thanks to her program, I no longer feel weighed down by worry or paralyzed with fear. I am currently experiencing the feeling of peacefully resting in God’s loving arms on a daily basis and the best focus I’ve had in years!

I care about you, friend, and I want to see you at ease. I want to see you totally transformed and bursting with the light of God.

Are you willing to make this commitment to God and yourself?  If so, learn more about The Christian Power Hour. (your affiliate link)

Yours Truly,

Your Name

Affiliate Link


[spoiler title=”Headline: Meditate Your Way to Holier, Healthier & Happy Life Email Letter” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]

Headline: Wouldn’t You Like to Meditate Your Way to Holier, Healthier & Happy Life

Dear Friend,

Do you constantly find yourself thinking way too much? Do you have moments where you wish you could sit your brain somewhere else so that you can function properly? Are you thinking your way out of your blessings?

I know how challenging it can sometimes be to try to always keep your thoughts positive. I can totally relate to feeling discouraged when you feel stuck in certain belief patterns that you have been reinforcing for years. Just like any addiction, it can be a hard habit to break.

There is probably a battle going on within your mental world that you may not be completely aware of. Your conscious mind is always something you acknowledge, but your subconscious mind may take a little more work to dig into being that it is the driving force that influences all that you are. Are you holding on to unresolved conflicts, repressed feelings, and guilt right now in your life?

Do you have chronic health problems that you can’t seem to get rid of? As a dear friend, I am writing you to tell you that there is a way to clear your mind of toxic thinking patterns and emotions that could be blocking you from getting closer to God and becoming a healthier open vessel to shine His light through.

While I was at my wit’s end trying to find a way to reverse my mentality, I came across a woman named Rhonda Jones. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that she was offering a Virtual Mediation Workshop that would help me lead a holier, healthier and happier life. I took her workshop and boy did I learn a lot! Rhonda’s workshop showed me different and effective ways of meditating and how it benefits my entire well-being!

I also learned things like how to live more in the present moment, control my thoughts by renewing my mind daily, eliminating unhealthy thought patterns for good, checking in with myself and being aware of my thoughts, and developing a deeper relationship with God by quieting my mind so that I can focus on hearing His voice. I forgot to mention that taking Rhonda’s workshop also improved my physical health! I no longer have to struggle with chronic problems that seem to never go away.

I love you, friend, and I want you to experience the same joy of God that I have now. You are deserving of experiencing mental peace and clarity. To sign up for Rhonda’s workshop, Meditate Your Way to a Happier, Holier, and Healthier Life, just click here.(your affiliate link)


Yours Truly,

Your Name

Your Affiliate Link


[spoiler title=”10 Day Christian Meditation Challenge Email Sales Letter” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-square-1″]

Headline: Jumpstart Your Quiet Time with God with This 10-Day Christian Meditation Challenge

Dear Friend,

I’m excited to tell you about this amazing challenge I signed up for recently. I know that you may have heard about meditation, but what I’m about to tell you is really going to shift your perspective big time! I bet you didn’t know that there is a program out there that allows you to incorporate the basic principles of meditation with establishing a more intimate relationship with God. There are many ways to meditate and are unlimited resources as to how to do it, however this particular method that I am about to share with you is the first of its kind!

I wanted to find a way to draw closer to God in a whole new way. I believe that sometimes we just need a little change in our routine to keep things fresh and there’s nothing wrong with that. I can imagine that God gets thrilled when we are actively finding new ways to connect and love Him, for He is the best Father we could ever ask for. So I came across this Christian Meditation Challenge created by Rhonda Jones.

Her challenge includes an exclusive set of Christian-centered meditation downloads that you can use daily. The best part about it is that you get to experience a different type of meditation every single day! In the meditation segments, she speaks to various struggles we have such as overcoming negative thinking, releasing the past and forgiveness. Here’s more great news: it only takes 20 minutes a day to truly jumpstart your divine healing. In just 20 minutes, you can be well on your way to growing stronger in His word, feeding and nurturing your soul, and experiencing ultimate relaxation.

Within just 10 days, you’ll know what it feels like to rest in His loving arms and allow all your fears, concerns and worries to simply melt away. Rhonda is currently offering this remarkable challenge  (your affiliate link) at a discounted rate. I would hate to see it pass you by!

Are you ready to let go and let God? To learn more visit Christian Meditation Challenge (your affiliate link)

Yours Truly,

Your Name

Your Affiliate Link



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