Just recently God told me to create a vision chart. The chart contained pictures, scriptures, words, and phrases that represented my desired life’s direction. It encompassed core areas including my career, social life, health, recreation, spirituality, education, relationships, and self care. To create my vision chart I perused favorite magazines and cut out images and words that resonated in my heart. Creating a Christian vision plan gave me a keen sense of focus and empowerment regarding my future. Although my life was not aimless, it had no tangible road map. I posted my vision chart in a prominent place and each morning upon rising I speak to my vision and tell it to come forth.
Write the Vision:
Habukah 2:2 counsels us to write the vision on the wall and make it plain so that those who read it will run with it. Though the vision may tarry, it shall come to pass, says the Lord. This scripture implies several important truths. First, God wants us to created a written vision for our life and He wants us to post it so that it will inspire us as well as others. Secondly, having a vision creates movement. Those with a vision are more likely to take action and do what is necessary to fulfill their goals. Having a vision can also galvanize people to stand with you and offer support. Lastly, God said that your vision shall be fulfilled at the appointed time. Therefore creating a vision plan is a guaranteed recipe for success. Don’t get in a hurry or hung up on time. Your vision must come to pass.
Speak to Your Vision:
In the beginning was the word, and the word was God, and the word with God, and the word became flesh and dwelt among man. Before God created the heavens and the earth he had a vision in mind. But it was not until he spoke it out of his mouth that the vision was full-filled. Every great ideas begins in your mind. But that is where it will stay unless you bring it forth by the words you use. Speak to your vision with relevant scriptures and positive affirmation. Your words have power and are alive. The Bibles says that whatever a man speaks from his heart shall come to pass. Therefore, choose words that manifest your vision instead of suppressing or hindering it.
An Ear to Hear
Even if you have no idea how you will accomplish your vision, just writing it down and making it concrete sets your creative energies and the power of the universe in motion. Proverbs tells us that a man plans his ways but it is God who orders his steps. Each day I ask God to give me an ear to hear, eyes to see, and wisdom to discern any opportunities He may be sending my way that support my vision plan. Be sensitive to individuals, resources, information, and literature that come across your path. Always be obedient to the still small voice in your heart that may be nudging you to take a particular course of action. God says he will make our way prosperous and cause our plans to succeed if we will put our trust in Him.
Good Fight of Faith
Don’t let anything deter your from your vision. Matthew…illustrates just how quickly you can lose sight of your vision. One day a sower sowed the word and immediately the enemy came to still the word out of his heart. I want to emphasize the word, “immediately.” Once you have created your vision chart, thoughts of self-doubt, fear, and inadequacy will try to discourage you from going forward. Your vision is your seed to success. Be careful not to let negative thoughts pull up your seeds before they have had time to take root and grow a harvest. Memorize the scripture, “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind,” and use it disingrate any fearful thoughts that plague you.
A Clear Focus
A vision plan focuses your efforts. I created my vision plan on a large cardboard paper canvas. It only had room for so much. In other words, it created boundaries for my vision. I wasn’t writing or pasting pictures on the area outside the canvas. I had to be selective and create my vision based on my heartfelt priorities. If you make your vision too broad or large it may overwhelm you instead of catapult you into action. Therefore, get quiet and do some soul searching. Your vision should truly reflect your authentic self. You can always update your vision as you accomplish your goals or change your desires. If you can’t fill up your vision chart, just start with one corner and add to it when impressed upon. If charts don’t appeal to you, at least make a list of your goals and post it in a prominent location and read it each day. A vision plan will also help you to discontinue, weed out, and say no to activities that aren’t in alignment with your goals.
Seek Balance
Your life is not one dimensional. You are spirit, soul, and body so you want to make sure that your vision plan reflects your whole self. If you spend too much time focused on one or several areas, most likely other aspects of your life are going to suffer. When creating your chart look at each area of your life and access your satisfaction level with each category. For example, you may feel very happy with your career, but believe that your social life needs an overhaul. Strive to create balance by creating a vision of how you’d like each quadrant of your life to look and resist the temptation to put all your energies in one basket.
Stomp Out Fear
Fear is the greatest hindrance to our vision. We fear failure, people’s judgments, making the wrong decisions, and the unknown. However, inaction keeps us from moving into future blessings. If you are having a difficult time making a decision regarding an aspect of your vision, get still, quiet your mind, and ask yourself, “is fear hindering me from moving forward?” If the answer is yes then dispel the fear and take the appropriate action. A popular book is titled, “feel the fear and do it anyway.” Don’t let fear stand between you and your dreams.
Live in the Moment
You’ve probably heard the saying that life is what’s happening while your waiting for some future accomplishment, desire, or situation to take place. Your life is right now at this very moment. Ask God to help you to enjoy the blessings in your life today. Live consciously by giving your full attention to everything you do. Use daily meditation to help you to quiet your mind and eliminate the incessant thoughts that causes you to constantly project on the future or obsess on the past. Many people spend their whole life for some future goal, not realizing that their life is a journey that is unfolding one day at a time. Break the cycle by having an attitude of contentment and gratitude. Your vision should not be the end all some accomplishment but a daily lifestyle that enhances every area of your life.
Reinvent Yourself
Just like an artist paints a new picture using a blank canvas, you can reinvent yourself and create the life you want. Refuse to allow negative people or self-doubt to tie you to your past. You can recreate or revamp your life by creating a new picture or vision. Creating a vision plan and then nurturing your plan by following the tips in this article will help you to make your dream a reality. Proverbs says that where there is no vision the people perish or have no restraint. A vision plan will add meaning to your life. It will give you a sense of purpose.
Need a vision plan but don’t know where to start, check out the Christian Meditation, Nurturing Your Vision. This meditation will give you a clear guide on what you’ll need to do to make your vision a reality.