Hosting a Christian Meditation Retreat or Workshop?

be.still.retreat.waterfallsAre you hosting a Christian retreat or workshop?

Do you have a desire in your heart to bring rest, relaxation, and peace to your brothers and sisters in Christ? Although many Christian retreats provide a great getaway, they often lack the time for geniune time with God and dwelling in his presence. It is so important for Christians to take time to “just be.”

If renewal and rejunvenation in Christ is what you’re looking for, then a Christian Meditation and Holy Fit Retreat is the experience you have been waiting for.

This retreat can be a one day or weekend (or longer) gathering for men, women, couples, laypersons, and even those in ministry to practice the skill of “waiting on the Lord.” The Be Still Christian Meditation Retreats offers Christ-centered  meditation techniques and Christian yoga  practices  to renew the body, mind, and soul.

You will learn:

  • How to use Biblical Meditation to quiet your mind and overcome negative thinking.
  • Tools to help you relieve stress and worry.
  • How to deepen your relationship with God through spending time in his presence.
  • How Christ-centered yoga can create a deeper intimacy with God by helping you to slow down and hear the still small voice of the Lord.

Sample Workshop Topics Include:

  • Essentials of Christian Meditation
  • Greatest Battle of the Believer
  • Scripture Meditation Instruction
  • Soaking in the Spirit
  • Mantra Meditation
  • Christ-Centered Yoga
  • Creating a Daily Hour of Power
  • Keys to a More Fulfilling Life in Christ
  • Moving past emotional blocks

Christian retreat activities may also include: meditation, yoga, workshops, sharing, journaling, and plenty of free time to relax and renewal.

If you are interested in bringing a Christian Meditation and Christ-Centered Yoga Retreat to your city, contact Rhonda via this web site and  use the contact us form.


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Read Testimonials About the Secret Place Meditation, Workshop, Yoga, and Retreats!

Create a Daily Hour of Power Testimonials (November 2012) Glendale, AZ

“Awesome workshop I look forward to learning more about meditation. I have been on your website and tapes and see how God is using you to minister to others. I would like to go to more of your workshops and hope you come back soon. Many blessing to you Rhonda and thank you for coming.”- Victoria, Glendale AZ


“I am pleased to be apart of this experience I love the easy and quiet aspect of Rhonda Jones. I feel like I have the tools and information to continue to quiet my mind and meditate. I love the toolbox for the Hour of Power.”- anonymous


“Thought the retreat was really nice. This workshop taught me to be positive about myself through scripture and how to let the problems go and give them to God. More scriptures I could refer to for specific issues that we are facing. This was very relevant because it gave me resources on how to let it all go and let God!” – Michelle, Glendale AZ


“I loved your soothing voice as you explained things. I had several epiphanies during this workshop – like the welcome prayer. Thank You! God Bless you!” – Lisa, Glendale AZ


“The worshop had been very helpful to me. Thank  you for your time and inspiration. May God Bless You” – Donna, Glendale AZ


“Very beneficial, Enlightening, your voice and dameaner are relaxing, your sweetness welcomes. Thank you” – anonymous


“Thank you, very impactful, informative.” – anonymous


“This was very impactful. Its such a comfort to know that healing in the mind is attainable. Maybe on-hand-experience would be nice!” – Lani, Glendale AZ


Testmonials from Be Still Retreat (7/12 to 7/15, 2012)

“I am so excited about this weekend, the tools that were given, the new friends I’ve made, the beauty if Gods creations, and all the wonderful organic food I have enjoyed! With the blessing of the retreat and tools, I feel I have a new responsibility to put them to use and pray for the Holy Spirit to keep reminding me of them.” -­ Lucy, AL

“Overall very good opportunity to connect with people who are sharing a similar struggles (being quiet with God). Loved the yoga and practice meditation sessions. I now feel equipped to “Be Still” at home/work/where ever I need to be.”  -Becky, TX

“The retreat was excellent, the tools and learning experience and practicing meditation has had a great impact on me. The highlights for me were learning and meditation. You have spent a lot of time and effort going deeper and “creating” these helpful tools through your own experience.” – John, AL

“The retreat was held in a beautiful location with many places to go for meditation; I was truly blessed by every session, especially the yoga exercise.” – Gloria, CA

“GREAT WORKSHOP!!! You saved the best for last. Thanks for all the new tools and insight” – Patricia, CA

“I loved and enjoyed the retreat! I think it is a must for anyone that wants to learn how to be still in the presence of God. After attending the retreat I feel that I am able to overcome stress, doubt, worry, fear and insecurity through the power of meditation and surrender to God. The highlight of the retreat for me was the beautiful location and trip to Mount Shasta and the Waterfalls. Rhonda is very knowledgeable and passionate about her ministry and works very hard to deliver a quality product. I enjoy her soft, sweet and kind spirit. May God bless you can continue on in your gifts and anointing.” – Michael, CA

“The retreat was a glorious experience, I feel cleansed of so much toxic waste. I feel convinced and equipped to continue meditation as a daily devotional gift. The examples given allow me to see myself, applicably in real life situations. I see you and experience you with a gift of calming, love, purity and authentic Christ like qualities.” – Beverly, CA

“Rhonda thank you for a beautiful inspiring retreat, the meditations were powerful and helped me to understand specifically how to meditate on the scriptured. Your vast knowledge during the workshop was impressive and I thoroughly enjoyed and learned from the topics.” – Laura, CA


Testmonials from Be Still Retreat (8/18-8/21, 2011)

“This weekend was amazing. I have had a pattern of running from the emotions I felt in quietness. This weekend allowed me to feel and believe this is the beginning of transformation. I now have the tools to live my life as a believer and act like one, free from stress and anxiety. Thank you Rhonda and Peggy for all of your work to put this together and facilitate the weekend.” – Pam , AZ

“Thank you very much. This was the most exciting 4-days that I have had in years. I never meditated nor have done yoga, so thank you. My highlights of the retreat were understanding spiritual meditation and meeting new and wonderful Christians or shall I say God’s children. I will walk away with new tools to better my life and a better way to Be Still and listen to God. “- Shelia , WA

“The relaxed tone was very inviting. I felt immediately at ease  in the environment that Rhonda has cultivated. I feel like I will be leaving this retreat with an arsenal of tools to deal with over-activity, distractions, and anxiety.  I am so grateful for Rhonda’s joyful heart and giving spirit. She was a wonderful facilitator.”- Joe , WA

“This retreat was wonderful. The atmosphere was conducive to our goal! Everyone was friendly, loving, and wonderful to each other. This retreat has given me hope and hope to share with my family. The retreat has given me a clarity and peace that was not there before. The highlights were the “Scrub the Wall” meditation, the “Scripture Meditation,” and EVERYTHING outside! I think Rhonda Jones’ demeanor was professional, personal, loving, and KNOWLEDGABLE! I could listen to her all day. The course content was COMPLETELY relevant to my life. It was wasy to learn and just soak in all the information as I was so thirsty for it.”- Veronica , WA

“The retreat was wonderful! I feel I have had a couple of breakthroughs during meditation sessions and I now have tools to take home with me from what I’ve learned. Rhonda is an amazing God-loving gentle woman. The course content was very relevant to my daily life.”- Jenny , WA

“The retreat was everything I hoped it would be and more. I learned new spiritual tools that will help me in my search to know God more intimately. these tools are “priceless.”  Rhonda, you are a sweet and gentle spirit whose love for God shines through. Thank you for being obedient to God’s calling- your work helping Christians get past the “talk” into the “walk” with God.” – Anoymous

“I was extremely impressed with the retreat. Everything was done with a spirit of excellence. I will forever be changed through the power of meditation (time with God). The princioples you shared were confirmations that I must “Be Still” and awaken the power within. Rhonda, you have a beautiful spiirt and are walking in what God has called you to. To use your pain and testimonies are an important and necessary part of the retreat experience. Your past pains were there to guide others through the same life struggles we all face. The course content and stories were sent to you by the Holy Spirit. I have a prayer room in my home where I use to thresh on the floor 3-4 times per week with God. The cares of life took lme from that. So you see God used you to be my GPS guide to guide me back to Him!” – Charrisee, CA

“My overall thoughts of the retreat are awesome. It was sad to pack up and leave. The highlight of the retreat for me was making new friends and the Soaking in the Spirit session. My goal for the retreat was to be forever changed and experience God like I never have before and the Holy Spirit wrapped his arms around me and I felt him give me a hug. I cried like when your parents give you a much needed hug. I also flet or visioned Him washing away my pain and hurts. Rhonda was great. I love her honesty and “down to earth” attitude. She was relatable and I appreciate her willingness to share that even though she knows how to meditate and be one with the Lord, she still gets pissed and still wrestles with self-confidence. It shows that this is a process and we will never fully be at a place where we don’t have to learn, grow, and ask for forgiveness. I would like to see this be a yearly thing. This has been a transforming and life changing activity.” – Aletha, WA

“The retreat impacted my life in a powerful way. Rhonda you are living in the moment! Praise the Lord! Follow the passion of your life and it will lead you to peace and joy that is Jesus.” – Sherry, CA

“My first impression of the retreat was that it completely changed my life. I lived a life of confusion, doubt, and depression and was prayerless prior to the retreat. Upon learning to still my mind and soul, I learned the power of prayer and the tools to use it properly. My highlights were the great company I was in. The people were fantastic, the activities were amazing, and the material inspirational. This retreat has changed my life and the lives of all the people I wll come in contact with. Lives were changed and Jesus was glorified through this retreat. I absolutely adore Rhonda. She was graceful and present and she delivered the material in a loving way full of God’s love. I learned a lot from her simply because of her love for life, others, and for Christ. Thanks to Rhonda and this retreat depression, confusion, and doubt no longer linger at my door.” – Lanora, WA

“The retreat was phenomenal!!! Absolutely phenomenal! I so enjoyed being in the “stillness and silence” of the Lord and being okay with that. I also absolutely loved the Scripture Meditation because it gave me another way to memorize scriptures even more and also teach my kids and the youth at my church. I haved learned even more from this retreat than I did at Rhonda’s 1-day retreat. This was so powerful and my life is forever impacted by this event. I pray that and know that the Lord will replenish everything that was poured out to us back into you a 1000 times more than you can ever imagine.” – Michelle, CA


Testomonies from Grass Valley 1-day Retreat (9/2010)

Life Changing.” 

“I’m speechless.”

“I attended the meditation retreat at the Biblical Garden in Grass Valley, and  here it is two days later, and still fill the affects of your meditation techniques. For the last 10 years, I have been struggling with trying to find me, after the effects of family tragedy, which included the loss of my first husband in a car accident. Three of my children were in this accident, and suffer mental and physical scars. One child was suicidal, the other was in a coma, and my youngest saw her dad in his death state. And, sadly the same year and time frame my youngest brother disappeared, and to this date has not been found.  I battled with depression from going through the healing process with all my children. I finally woke-up and realized that I still can live my dreams, but found it hard to focus and balance my inter anxiety. I did not no how to take control of my inner being, untill i joined the mediation retreat. I find it easy within, to deal with the stresses of job search, and continuing my nursing career.

I’m glad I did not change my mind on attending. That was the most deep relaxation I have ever felt, especially with the presence of God’s touch there. In the biblical garden, I cried and worshiped because I knew on this day I was free, for the first time in my life from negative mental struggles. May God bless you Rhonda, and take you, to a places you never gone in your mind and heart to take this ministry to another level.”“Depression is so common, and taken lightly, within the medical community. I feel soo light. Me, my sister and friend could not stop talking about our experience. If you don’t mind me asking, if I can get a group of woman willing to contribute a fee, will you do another retreat?  I know a lot of woman, who are very successful and suffer from depression, disease, and menopause. I would like to share my experience with them, for they have been a blessing in my life through my storms.”” The facilitator was truly God sent, she’s truly a blessing. The clear presence of God. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with me.” “It was absolutely phenomenal! I am grateful to see the focus of meditation that the world has embrace now be on the “out” in a Christian way.“Thanks for pouring yourself out two us Rhonda. I really pray that the Lord pours back into you everything yu poured out to us and a thousand times more.”  “I do a lot of meditation and I do yoga weekly so her skills and knowledge was far exceeding even the secular world.”“I really enjoyed it.”“Excellent.” Pure Relaxation.”“The name of Jesus was brought forth. ““Please have another meditation event.” 

“It was a wonderful experience.”

 “I enjoyed the scenery and everything about it. “

“Wonderful and beautiful place, listening to the winds and waterfalls, with the leaves blowing. “

“I had a wonderful day. Thank you for today.”

” I was refreshed today, and renewed my thoughts, and calm. “

“Rhonda was very knowledable of how to help us relax, even though there were distractions. ” 

Can you have this regularly in the bay area?”

“Peaceful and informative. “

“Quiet time and permission to be quiet.  ” 

“I felt today’s retreat was amazing. I loved everything about it!”

“I felt that the  facilitators knowledge, peace and skill level matched my beginning yoga, prayer and meditation skill set. ” 

 “Well needed retreat! Great!. Meditation.”

” Peaceful, I needed the time away. “

 “This could be a blessing to a lot of people. I hope you continue to expand your practice. “

“This would be a great weekend retreat, all women, and couples retreat this would help couples reconnect and balance out life again. “

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