Media Kit


“Whether you’re interested in losing weight manifesting abundance, reducing stress, eliminating bad habits, or developing a deeper  relationship with God, it all starts with taming the mind,”  says Rhonda Jones, creator of Christian Meditation,  Relaxation, and Affirmations, a faith-based company  that produces over 21 Christian meditation and  affirmation CDs.

Thinking differently creates new behaviors and alters our subconscious airwaves to attract what we  want, said Jones.  “True change isn’t about will power or trying harder, it’s about permanently altering our thought patterns and how we experience the world, and it usually takes place at an unconscious level.”

Jones, creator of the award winning website,, said her meditations help listeners create more peace, joy, prosperity, and love in their lives as well as help them to develop a more intimate relationship with God. Jones said she currently has over 8000 subscribers to her newsletter, The Christian Meditator.

With over 52 recordings on a variety of topics that Christians struggle with everyday, Jones promotes faith-based meditation as a way of living a more authentic, God-centered, and stress-free lifestyle.

Each guided meditation begins with a progressive relaxation, deep breathing, and is followed by a Biblically-based narrative spoken by Jones that is filled with uplifting Bible passages, scripture affirmations, and spiritual principles set to tranquil background music.

The meditations also make a great addition to daily devotions by helping believers to “be still and know that I am God” and enter into his God’s presence.  “It is often difficult to make that transition from busyness and activity to spending time with God,” said Jones, “The guided meditations help you to do that.”

What about medically?  Many doctors now prescribe meditation as a healer, Jones said.    It’s been proven that consistent meditation calms the body and mind, and lessens the severity and symptoms of 90% of all chronic diseases.

For the Christian, Jones’ Biblically-based meditations allow believers to get the benefits of meditation without feeling they are compromising their Christian walk.  Jones stated that many Christians shy away from meditation because it is often associated with eastern religions.  Yet Joshua 1:8 tells us to meditate on God day and night for success in life and it was Jesus daily custom to find a solitary place and pray, she stated.

“Practicing faith-based meditation helps us to get off the treadmill of life and go inward.  When we learn to be still, we begin to hear the inner yearnings of our ‘own’ heart and if we don’t like what it’s saying,” stated Jones, “we can make conscious choices to think and behave differently.  But in the opposite light, said Jones, “We may uncover our true passions and desires that are buried under layers of mental clutter, noise, and distractions that need to be swept away and cleared out. We can’t change what we don’t see or acknowledge. Awareness always comes first,” she said.

It was meditation integrated with the scriptures that helped Jones overcome years of depression.  Through Biblical meditation she learned that it was her chronically negative thoughts that were feeding her illness. “But before I began to get quiet and meditate, I didn’t even realize what I was thinking about, it was like a silent recording playing over and over in the background of my mind,” she said.

In addition to doing workshops and presentations on The Benefits of Christian Meditation and How to Meditate on God, Jones is also available to conduct live group meditations for retreats, Christian conferences, and seminars to help the audience quiet their minds and prepare their hearts to receive all that God has for them.

Rhonda is also the owner of the  Secret Place Yoga and Meditation Studio located in Sacramento, CA, where she offers weekly Christian yoga and meditation classes and health and wellness workshops.. Visit her website at   To learn more about Biblical meditation, order CDs, or contact Jones for interview, presentation, or workshop, please visit






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