Simple Steps to Starting Your Day with Power, Purpose, Focus, and Success!

Did you know that almost ALL truly successful people start their day praying, meditating, visualizing and clearing their negative thoughts and limiting beliefs. They may also use this time with connect with God for guidance and studying His Word.
Whether they call it a devotional time, morning prayer, quiet time, or a power hour, this time allows them to begin their day with power, focus, and purpose which all leads to success.
I originally created The Christian Power Hour as a daily devotional guide for myself, so I could release heavy mental and emotional weights or burdens that I might be carrying around. I also use my power hour to read and internalize the scriptures, create an intention for the day, record any prayers, cultivate a heart of gratitude and spend some time just dwelling in God’s presence either silently or through meditation. I believe that real transformation can take when we yield our hearts and minds to God.

The Christian Power Hour also has tools to help renew the mind and eliminate limiting beliefs that often keep us stuck in mental patterns or keep us from reaching our goals.
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These include:
- Creating your own mission statement.
- Daily declarations with positive affirmations and scripture to renew your mind and put your faith in action.
- Faith it forward stories that allow you to express your desires BEFORE they happen.
- Welcoming Prayer to help you work through anxiety and other toxic emotions.
But that’s not all, to help you organize your time, home, or business you’ll also receive the follow templates to use or duplicate:
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- Daily Scheduler
- Short term goals
- Long term goals
- Living with intention
- Project Flow Charts

What do other successful people say about incorporating a power hour:
John Kehoe, author of Mind Power Into the 21st Century, stated that one hour of spiritual training (meditation, silence, visualization, inspiration reading) was equivalent to 7 hours of actual working.
Trevor Blake, author of Three Simple Steps, and creator of two triple-digit multi-million dollar companies contributes his success to three simple rule, 1) take control of his negative thoughts, 2) learn to generate winning ideas through spending time in silence or meditation, and 3) create an intention and eliminating all doubt that it will happen.
Tony Robbins, author of Unlimited Power, and guru of self-empowerment, encourages anyone who wants to achieve to establish a daily power hour that includes movement, breathing, gratefulness, visualizing, speaking affirmations aloud, meditation, and prioritizing your work.
Even Jesus said in Matthews 6, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”
I believe a power hour helps us also to live with more balance as we take time each day to “just be,” which helps to break the cycle of constant activity. We can also live our lives more authentically because we take out the time to check in with ourselves and reflect upon the truest desires of our heart.
Maybe you have thought about creating a quiet time or power hour with God but weren’t sure where to get started. The Christian Power Hour will guide you through the whole process. The thing I personally love about this devotional guide is that each time I complete my power hour I feel renewed, refreshed, and empowered.
Considering purchasing The Christian Power Hour Journal to save time and money duplicating the forms or journal entries or record your entries in a notebook.
Giving God the First Fruits of Your Day?
If Not, You Could Be Missing Out On Some Blessings!

How do you feel in the morning when you wake up to start your day? Do you feel sluggish, drowsy and like you need more sleep? Does your alarm clock feel like nails across a chalkboard each time you press snooze? Do you feel one-hundred percent ready to take on the task of what needs to be done for that day or do you dread everything you have to do?
How you start your day is very important to your mind, body and spirit. This is because whatever you are thinking or feeling upon waking up will be the pre-cursor to how the rest of your day goes. So it is crucial to start the process of renewing your mind the minute you wake up. If you wake up feeling burdened with all that you are feeling and overwhelmed with what you need to do before even putting your slippers on, then it is time for a major overhaul!
How does this sound?
Is this something you would like to experience on a daily basis?
This is bigger than you and me.
In Matthew 5:14-16, we are told that [su_quote]You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in a house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”[/su_quote]

What God is trying to tell us is that we are to be the best physical representation of him on Earth so that we can spread his light and Good Word to those who are in desperate need of it. We are to shine our light in such a way that people can see and feel the love we exhibit and want to know more of how they can get to the source of why we are able to portray this light in a world of constant darkness and despair.
Now how in the world can you be a vessel of light when you are constantly waking up with a dark cloud over your head every morning??

Really dig in and be honest with yourself at this very moment. I invite you to ask yourself the following questions:
- Are you carrying around the mental and emotional residue of yesterday, last week, or even last year?
- Have you been denying your feelings, hurts, and inner pain and brushing them aside or under the rug?
- Are you holding onto un-forgiveness of yourself or bitterness toward others?
- Do you yearn to break free from the weights and negative thoughts that plague your mind but don’t know how?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, I have a wonderful remedy for you! I suggest taking a dose of The Christian Power Hour.
It’s time to stop carrying around the heavy weights of the past and jumpstart your day feeling restored, rejuvenating, and renewed!
God wants to heal you- body, mind, and spirit. He cares so much about you that he wants to see you functioning in a healthy mental state. He loves you unconditionally and is always eager to come to your aid when you need him. He is the Divine Father and nothing makes him happier than to look after his children. He didn’t give you your unique body, mind, and spirit with no intention on helping you maintain it. He wants you to rest in his loving arms. He says in his Word, [su_quote]Come unto me all who are burdened and have a heavy heart and I will give you rest…Cast all your cares upon me because I care for you.[/su_quote]
How Can the Christian Power Hour Enhance Your Quiet Time with God?
The Christian Power Hour Devotional Set is like a daily shower for the soul. If you can’t tolerate going a day without taking a physical shower, then you must realize that going a day without this power hour will give you the same stinky results from not washing on daily basis. Along with physical hygiene, great spiritual hygiene is a definite must! Each day you will come clean before the Lord and allow him to heal and purify your heart by completing 12 easy steps. In just one hour per day, you can turn your burdens, fears, and cares over to God in exchange for his peace, love, and healing.
You will never look at one hour the same again.
Why One Hour?
Mark 14:32 reads, [quote]They (Jesus and the disciplines) went to a place called Gethsemane and Jesus said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray… Stay here and keep watch.[/su_quote] Then, verse 37 reads, [su_quote]he (Jesus) returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. Simon, he said to Peter, “Are you sleeping? Couldn’t you keep watch for 1 hour?[/quote]
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” [quote]Once more He went away and prayed the same thing. When he came back, He again found them sleeping. They did not know what to say to him. Returning the third time he said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Enough! The hour has come.”[/quote]
Jeremiah 29:13 says, [quote]You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.[/quote] But what does that really mean? How do we seek and pursue God, with all our heart, all our soul, and all our strength? Should we attend more church services, sign up for more outreaches and communities, or even pray louder and more frequently?
Three key elements to really pursuing God:
#1– To abide in God’s presence and to spend time with him in silence and solitude. In Genesis, at the cool of everyday, Adam walked in the garden with God. In John 15, Jesus said, I am the vine and you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
#2- We must renew our minds and purify our hearts from worldly, fear-based, and stink ‘in thinking. 2 Corinthians 10: 5 tells us to “cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”. God puts the responsibility on us to purify our minds and cleanse our hearts of everything that will distract us, weigh us down, attack our faith, and hinder our relationship with Him.
#3- And lastly, we must meditate on God’s word and hide it in our hearts. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Joshua 1:8 declares, “Keep these books of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” The truth is, although all of these things can greatly contribute to your Christian experience, eventually you have to also look within in order to change your external environment. This well-rounded and full circle knowledge will give you boost you need to shift the way you think about spending time with God.
God is calling you back to the core of you, where he resides. He wants you to start unpeeling the layers of your heart, cleaning up your spirit and clearing away the negative junk so that you can feel lighter and flow easier.
[box title=”15 Reasons to Spend a Daily Hour of Power with God:” box_color=”#2c7cb1″ radius=”2″]* It makes you feel great.
* You have more peace and joy as a result.
* Your relationship with Christ is growing.
* You love sensing God’s presence.
* It helps you in your relationships.
* It helps you have more good days than bad days.
* You want more intimacy with God. *
* You can do less and accomplish more.
* God wants to fellowship with you.
* It might change your perspective.
* It will help you slow down.
* It will help you break your addiction to the delusions and lies of the world,
* It’s time with just you and God.
* You need to nurture you.
* You are worth it![/box]
Ready for another amazing bonus?
It Can Be Used With Your Favorite Daily Devotional!
The Christian Power Hour will blend beautifully with your favorite daily devotional to help you internalize what you read and put it into practice. The Christian Power Hour takes you beyond the intellectual surface level of just reading your devotional or a series of passages to actually incorporating and helping you reflect on what these inspirational texts are personally saying to you. If you do not have a favorite devotional then I recommend the Number #1 Best-Selling Devotional called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. I believe this one on of the best and most profound devotionals on the planet because its very purpose is to encourage believers to seek the presence of God. Read an actual passage below:
[box title=”Jesus Calling for June 15″ box_color=”#f1f63e” title_color=”#1e1d1d” radius=”2″]“When You Approach Me in stillness and in trust, you are strengthened. You need a buffer zone of silence around you in order to focus on things that are unseen. Since I am invisible, you must not let your senses dominate your thinking. The curse of this age is over-stimulation of the senses, which blocks out awareness of the unseen world. The tangible world still reflects My Glory, to those who have eyes that see and ears that hear. Spending time alone with Me is the best way to develop seeing eyes and hearing ears. The goal is to be aware of unseen things even as you live out your life in the visible world.” [/box]
Are you ready to wake up with refreshing strength every single morning? Are you ready to feel the true transformation of what renewing your mind brings? I know you are tired of having the same kind of unproductive thinking patterns day in and day out. I know that somewhere in your mind, you think that continuing on this path will eventually bring you out of this mundane way of life. Let me remind you that doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
And you, my friend, are definitely not insane!
Read What Other’s Are Saying About The Christian Power Hour:
[quote cite=”Lynnis Woods-Mullins”]This is a wonderful book that outlines step, by step how to start you day full of power and purpose.The book is actually a journal as well which is wonderful. You can reflect as you learn to apply the steps that will take you on a wonderful journey of self-discovery and ultimately success![/quote]
[quote cite=”Anonymous Reviewer”]This is a great book, easy to read, practical, step by step instructions for spending an hour with the Lord. Believers who struggle with sitting in “the quiet place”, will treasure this book. I can’t wait to implement the strategies that Rhonda shares in this book. The charts and organizers are great tools to help me become more organized in my daily routine and to end procrastination! Thank you Rhonda for sharing this wisdom![/quote]
[quote cite=”K. Everman”]I have gained some wonderful insight, on meditation, Bible study, and how to grow in my spiritual walk, and relationship with God. It’s going to take while to figure everything, but it will be worth it. My favorite part was the “Welcoming Prayer”. I only wish I’d had it back when I started working through the healing process, relating to childhood abuse.[/quote]
[quote cite=”Mary Law”]As a believer, I am always looking for ideas to make my time with the Lord more fulfilling. I consider myself a student of the Word, and while that is wonderful, I find it difficult to just sit quietly in God’s presence. The ebook, The Christian Power Hour, has given me, step-by-step, ways (and resources) to make my daily hour with the Lord much more powerful, meaningful, and transformative. My goal is to have my power hour first, followed by study time in the Word. I know they will complement one another. If your desire is to ‘Be still and know that He is God,’ this ebook is for you! Thank you, Rhonda Jones, for an anointed work.[/quote]
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What Does The Christian Power Hour Include:
The Christian Power Hour Instructional Guidebook
The instructional books will guide you through the 12 power hour steps.
72 pages
The Christian Power Hour Journal and Planner
The journal, designed specifically for this program, provides over two- months worth of daily entries associated with each of the steps.
It also provides a space to write your mission statement and Faith is Forward entries. The planner helps you to organize your day and business with a daily scheduler, short and long term goal forms, project flow charts, and more. 204 Pages, $14.95
The Christian Power Hour Ebook & Meditation Download
Download the Christian Power Hour Ebook and receive the:
- The Christian Power Hour Instructional guide
- Templates to duplicate for the Journal and Daily Scheduler
- The I Breathe Christian meditation download.
Save by purchasing this downloadable devotional ebook and meditation mp3. Only $27.00
Click Here to Order the Christian Power Hour Ebook
Order Separately Now:
The Christian Power Hour Instructional Guidebook -$10.95 Add to Cart
The Christian Power Hour Journal & Scheduler – $14.95 Add to Cart
The Christian Power Hour Bundle – $64.00 Add to Cart
I Breathe Christian Meditation CD (20 minutes) – $12.95 Add to Cart
(Shipping always $4.95 in U.S.)