It Only Takes 20 Minutes with God to Change Your Life & Relationship with God

There are many forms of meditation out there that are available to anyone who is interested. The art of meditation has been around for centuries and continues to be an integral part of the spiritual community. Some people tend to shy away from the concept of meditation because it tends to have a “New Era” feel that most are not fully familiar with. I’ve discovered that with anything that is practiced, it’s always good to make sure it aligns with God’s heart and His teachings.
Recently, I found out about a 21- Day Meditation Challenge that was being promoted and hosted by Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey. I decided to sign-up and do a few of the meditations. I enjoyed doing the meditations that I was involved in, but the whole time I was thinking, “Wouldn’t this challenge be great if it was Christ-centered?” This thought, along with participating in that meditation challenge, encouraged me to create a meditation challenge of my own that would not only be unique to my programs but would also allow for the presence of God to enter while learning how to quiet your spirit as well. Why not include God in something that he already sparked in the hearts of men a long time ago?
The 10-Day Christian Meditation Challenge will help you to draw closer to God as you meditate on His Words and learn to be still in His Presence. This particular challenge differs in comparison to other meditation challenges as it encourages the deepening of your personal relationship with God. It allows you to truly experience Him for yourself in a way that is exclusively intimate and complete.
Throughout the challenge for each day, you will enjoy a different guided Christian meditation that deals with specific issues that believers face regularly in this day and age. These common issues range from controlling negative thoughts, releasing the past, physical healing, and more. You will be able to have a well-rounded way of allowing the Holy Spirit to enter into your place and fill that void that you have tried to fill on your own for a long time now. Committing to this challenge for 10 days will open up the door for divine healing to take place. Are you ready to let go and let God and cast all of your cares upon Him? If you said yes, this challenge is for you!

One of the benefits of this guided Christian meditation is that you don’t have to figure out or wonder if you are meditating correctly. Essentially, there is no right or wrong way to meditating when it comes to this challenge. All you need to do is find a comfortable seat in a secluded location and let Rhonda’s tranquil voice and soft music usher you into a place of peace and God’s presence.
When we calm the mind, we have a greater capacity to hear the Holy Spirit. Tuning into the Holy Spirit helps to eliminate thoughts and mental patterns that are contrary to God’s Word. If we never stop or slow down, how do we know if we’re moving in the right direction? If we’re not taking the time to allow God to give us some insight into the path he has paved for us, then how do we avoid the detours that may come up along the way? I believe that a daily quiet or meditation time gives us that time we need to check in with God and with ourselves. It is a time to nurture our spirit man which is so often neglected. It’s impossible to be aligned with the Holy Spirit in mind, body, and spirit if one of our main components is off-balanced. Taking a holistic approach to Christian meditation will allow you really receive all that God has for you and wants you to know.

Just Click on the Link Below to see just what you’ll receive. You’ll find a bonus daily devotional and full length guided meditation for your review and pleasure.
[spoiler title=”Christian Meditation Challenge Devotional and Guided Meditation Sampler” open=”1″ style=”2″]
How to Dwell in the Secret Place of God
Psalms 84: 2 – “My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”
Have you found yourself in a dark place recently? Do you find yourself struggling to figure out how to pull yourself out from where you are? Do you find the light hard to reach at this point in your life? Do you feel like you are walking around in the dark with your hands out, trying to reach out for some kind of hope and protection? Does it feel like you are in the eye of the storm in your life and holding on for dear life with no shelter to run to? Are you in the middle of a desert in your life and dying to find an oasis?
Later in Psalms 91, we are also reminded that “whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” This passage goes on to say that “he is my refuge and my fortress”. How comforting is it to know that when we are in our darkest places, God is still in the midst right beside us? He is our sanctuary, our quench, and our shelter! Yes, He loves you that much! For today’s meditation, don’t beat yourself up for wherever you may be in life in this moment. Be comforted in knowing that, through God, you have an anchor in life that will never let you down or forsake you.
DOWNLOAD MEDITATION: The Secret Place (Available after purchase)
[box title=”Today’s Meditation: The Secret Place” box_color=”#981fbf”]Listen Now: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”″][/box]
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After the Meditation:
- Sit in silence for a few moments.
- Journal about your meditation experience or any new insights.
- Don’t judge how well you did. All that matters is you did it!
- Thank God and yourself for taking the time to BE STILL in God’s Presence.
- Listen to the meditation again in the evening.
At the end of the 10-Day challenge, you will also have more peace of mind, less stress, and feel more relaxed. You will be able to trust in the fact that God has got your back and your faith will be strengthened more than ever! Just spending 20 minutes per day abiding in God and reflecting on his Word will change your life and relationship with God. That’s all you need! Just 20 minutes will give your Spirit the daily recharge and spiritual food that it needs to sustain itself on a consistent basis. If your physical body needs daily nutrients, why wouldn’t your spiritual body need any? After incorporating this into your daily routine you will wonder how you ever lived without it!
If you are ready for a brand new way of connecting with God’s heart and receiving His presence, then you are ready to take on this challenge! God is limitless and His love for you knows no bounds. There’s nothing more He wants then to have His children seek him wholeheartedly for the great Father He is to all of us.
Even after you complete the challenge, you can do it again and again or just have a set of Christ-centered meditation downloads to use for your daily quiet time or when you need to relax and let go. Because the daily devotionals and guided meditations are web-based, you have the option of listening to the meditations from your computer or can download them to your electronic device (phone, computer, or ipad).

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You’ll Get All 11 Meditation Downloads and Daily Devotionals:
- Day One: Overcoming Negative Thinking
- Day Two: Releasing the Past
- Day Three: Eliminating Stress & Toxic Emotions
- Day Four: I Forgive
- Day Five: As I Open My Eyes
- Day Six: Interceding for Loved Ones
- Day Seven: Becoming a Generous Giver
- Day Eight: Divine Healing
- Day Nine: In Everything Give Thanks
- Day Ten: Peace Like a River
- Bonus: The Secret Place
Read Challenge Testimonials
[quote cite=”Tiffani”]I took your meditation challenge this year. I wanted to let you know how much it changed my life. This year a set a resolution to get back into getting up early like I used to. (normally a very happy early riser). And so when you challenged us, I decided to rise at 5am and move to my yoga mat. I found it easy to resist the urge to hit snooze because I was just changing where I was laying from the bed to the mat. I only fell asleep 1 morning. And God started changing me. I really wanted to return my focus this year to God first. I added 10 minutes of praise to my new meditation practice. Time to focus on just how great God is. Now not only do I find it easy to get up at 5, but I’m excited to get up and can’t wait to get to my mat in the mornings to spend time with God. Thank you so much for all you do. You really are changing peoples lives, hearts and souls.[/quote]
[quote cite=”LaTonya”]The 10-Day Christian Meditation Challenge was a tremendous blessing to me. For a while I have wanted to make meditation a part of my daily life. This 10-Day Challenge gave me the jump-start that I needed. The meditations were very relevant; I looked forward to listening each day. I thank God for making this resource available to me. I thank God for Rhonda and her obedience to fulfilling the will of God over her life…For many others are able to be blessed. Blessed Indeed![/quote]
[quote cite=”Alisa”]I truly enjoyed to 10 day Christian Meditation Challenge!! It allowed me to feel closer to God and gave me a sense of peace that I have been too busy to enjoy!! Thanks so very much fir offering this amazing 20 day challenge!! God Bless!!! [/quote]
[quote cite=”Jennie”]Thank you from the bottom of my heart and God bless you for the wonderful creation of this meditation work that you have made possible for all of us to experience.Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!! I am not exactly able to pinpoint the change I felt but there has been a profound sense of well being these past few days I have been meditating with you.A sense of awareness of situations manifesting itself around me …happenings in my life seem more meaningful and purposeful. When I saw this msg I just wanted to express my feelings of gratitude toward the work that you are doing. Sincerely thanking you once again.[/quote]
[quote cite=”Aruna (Mumbai, India)”]Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. The 10-Day Christian Meditation Challenge was very educative, exceptionally scriptural and it has deepened my understanding of prayer. It has impacted me greatly. I enjoyed it to the hilt. Each challenge was clear and concise and backed up with relevant scriptures. I was captivated from start to finish. My prayer life has been greatly enhanced. My communication with the Almighty God has been greatly enriched. I was going through a very low phase of my life having lost my job, having low self-esteem after having put on excess weight, but now things have changed and my mind is set on the Lord alone away from the cares of the world… The presentation was done in a way that was gentle, patient, and easy to understand. It has been a fantastic experience and the entire challenge was very enlightening. You have been just as fantastic!!! I thank God for the grace that he has given you, which has enabled you to amass such spiritual wealth. Moreover God has given you a heart and a willing mind to share this with others. I want to encourage you to continue the great work that you are doing. Thank you so much, you are a blessing to me and my spiritual life is growing from one level of Glory to another. May the God of the universe and heaven bless you abundantly for what you are doing in Jesus name… Amen… Thank you Rhonda!!! [/quote]
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