God’s Way to True Success

With the current economic crisis and uncertainty– stress, worry, fear, and anxiety are on the rise and Christians aren’t immune.

You may be one of the many people who have:

Lost your job
Lost your retirement
Lost or trying to keep your home

Even without these problems, many of us tend to worry anyway.  We let the fears and cares of life choke out God’s joy and peace.  We forget to seek first the kingdom of God or cast our cares upon the Lord.

And, when we do finally turn the situation over to God, before long we take it back again. Amen?

But that is not how God intended us to live.  He said, we need to keep our child like faith and trust and rely on Him even though we are all grown up.

Although my kids are all over the age of 21, they have never lost that faith that mom or dad can save the day and when they call, they expect results.  We need to hold God in that same light.  When we call on Him and put our hope in Him, regardless of the path we’re on, we must believe God is going to see us through.  He is going to get us out of that rocky and turbulent boat to the other side, where peaceful shores prevail.

I know you already know this in your heart, but living it out can be more difficult. Most often, we know what to do, but we just don’t do it.  Old habits and mindsets don’t just fade away when we come to Christ or have an ah ha moment!

No, our beliefs and habits are at the very root of who we are; they’re a part of our mental and spiritual DNA and operate at an unconscious level, until we consciously change them. In other words, we have been programmed.

We have been programmed to fear.
We have been programmed to seek our own answers to problems instead of turning to God.

We just can’t help it and for most of us, it’s an everyday battle; and it’s not a physical battle, but a spiritual one.

There is a real enemy out there, and he’s doing everything he can to keep us in “his matrix.”  How? By keeping us from developing a day-by-day, minute by minute relationship with God.

When God should be the main ingredient in our life, we often relegate Him to a small spice here and there.  I’m not talking about going to church or being involved in a ministry. I’m talking about how much time we spend just being and abiding with God and lingering in his Awesome Presence.

Is your life so filled with activity and an overscheduled day planner that spending time with God doesn’t even make it on the list?

Don’t feel bad, it’s just how we’ve been programmed, that success in life comes from hard work and the more you work the more successful you’ll be-can I tell you that is a flat out lie!  At least it is from God’s perspective.

Do you know you can toil all day, all week, all year, and even all your life and NEVER reach the success God can give you in one hour? It’s true, it happened with the disciples who hadn’t caught a single fish all day, but when Jesus said, cast your net over there, they caught so many fish their boat almost tipped over.

Our success in life, according to God’s word – comes from seeking Him and His will for our life and allowing God’s spirit, the Holy Spirit, to guide and lead us through God’s plan – moment by moment.

It’s not about destination, it’s about relationship. It’s about loving God, loving our neighbor, and experiencing life, right where we find ourselves, today.  I heard some say once, “I didn’t know that God was all I needed, until God was all I had.”

But it will require a shift in our priorities and even more importantly, our time.

I created my Christian Meditation and Relaxation CDs, not only as a healing tool, but as a way for believers to be still and invite God into the crevices of our heart, body, and spirit.  We spend far to much time trying to embrace God with our minds.

I know how hard it is to be still and get off the treadmill of daily life and to abide with God.  Jesus said to his disciplines before his cruxisfiction, couldn’t you even abide with me and pray for just one hour?  I’m sure the same words echo in our hearts, even 1000 years later.

Through Christian Meditation and Relaxation, I provide believers with a wonderful opportunity to spend time in God’s presence, that includes guided narratives, soft music, and a progressive relaxation.   I have recorded over 23 Cds with over 50 meditation and affirmation recordings all designed to bring stillness to our minds so we can experience the God of the quietness, stillness, and peace.

“What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his very soul?”

When we seek, abide, and follow after God, not only with our heads, but with our hearts, the part of us that extends beyond logic, there is no telling what God will do.

Try Christian meditation today and see the difference it will make in your life.  It has for many others. You can check out my entire meditation and affirmation collection.

CD special, buy 3 Cds, get 4th CD free! Enter discount code 1CDFRE at checkout.

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