Discover the Healing Power of Christian Meditation!
For centuries, Christians have practiced Christian meditation to reduce stress, overcome worry and negative thoughts, find inner healing, draw closer to God, and live a more authentic and spiritual Christian life. You can too! Start your new spiritual journey today!
Subscribe to Enroll in my FREE E-Course:
10 Spiritual Disciplines
That Can Change Your Life!
- Deepen your relationship with God.
- Become a more spiritual Christian.
- Live with more peace, joy, and purpose.

What are the Benefits of Christian Meditation?

Develop More Intimacy with God
Through Biblical meditation draw closer to God and enhance your quiet time with Him. Learn how to meditate on God and abide in his presence.

More Peace of Mind & Joy
Learn Christian meditation techniques to help you overcome negative thoughts, and maintain your peace of mind.

Heal Inner Hurts & Pains
Through Christian meditation we can uncover our past pains and release them to God for inner healing.

Eliminate Daily Stress
If you struggle with stress or anxiety, Jesus-centered meditation can help you to relax and live more in the present moment.
Mathew 6:6 “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” NIV
What Do You Need to Heal?
Join the Christian Meditation Academy!
Are You Ready to Become a More Spiritual Christian?
That seems like an odd question. Most would equate spirituality with Christianity, yet it’s possible to possess one and not the other. So, what is the difference?
To be a spiritual Christian means to be led by the Spirit of God and allowing God’s spirit within to guide your life and decisions, instead of relying mostly upon your logic and intellect. Galatians 5:16 says that if we are led by the spirit we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
It takes quieting our minds and purifying our hearts to connect with God on a deeper level. Too many Christians serve God by doing instead of just being. They also struggle with negative and fear-based thinking. Establishing a Christian meditation practice where you spend intimate time with God is one of the best ways to renew your mind and become a more spiritual believer.
Is it Time for You to Getaway with God?
Enhance Your Spiritual Journey!
REAL Customer Testimonials
What are you waiting for?
"Be Still & Know That I Am God." - Psalms 46:10
Discover the Healing Power of Christian Meditation!
For centuries, Christians have practiced Christian meditation to reduce stress, overcome worry and negative thoughts, find inner healing, draw closer to God, and live a more authentic and spiritual Christian life. You can too! Start your new spiritual journey today!
What are the Benefits of Christian Meditation?

Develop More Intimacy with God
Through Biblical meditation draw closer to God and enhance your quiet time with Him. Learn how to meditate on God and abide in his presence.

More Peace of Mind & Joy
Learn Christian meditation techniques to help you overcome negative thoughts, and maintain your peace of mind.

Heal Inner Hurts & Pains
Through Christian meditation we can uncover our past pains and release them to God for inner healing.

Eliminate Daily Stress
If you struggle with stress or anxiety, Jesus-centered meditation can help you to relax and live more in the present moment.
What Do You Need to Heal?
It was meditation integrated with the scriptures that helped me overcome years of depression. Through quieting my mind and observing my thoughts, I discovered that it was my stinkin thinkin and negative thoughts that we stealing my peace of mind, causing physical stress, and hindering my relationship with God. Christian meditation changed my life and has also changed the lives of believers all over the world!

Healing is An Inside Job that Begins with the Mind!
Too often we look outside of ourselves and seek the external things of life for happiness. The problem is that we’re looking in the wrong direction. If you want inner peace and joy from within, then you must go within to find it. This Christian Meditation Academy will provide you with the guidance and tools you need to live a more peaceful, joyful, prosperous, and Christ-centered life. The academy contains a variety of courses and tools I’ve have created over the years that have helped thousands of people draw closer to God as well as themselves.
Why I Created this Membership Academy!
My New Christian Meditation Academy includes a variety of spiritual growth tools and courses that have helped so many believers over the years, all presented in an organized and step by step format to help you grow as a Christian meditator, and at price that most anyone can forward.
Now you can have access to many tools to help you deepen your walk with Christ and build your life on a spiritual foundation. Are you ready to grow in your spiritual and personal life through the transformative power of Christian Meditation? If so, join the membership academy today and along with many others who have changed their life with this powerful practice.
What's Inside the Christian Meditator Membership Academy!?
The guide below will show you the steps suggested to get the most out of the academy. If you are brand new to meditation please start at the beginning. If you already have a meditation practice and want to focus on other areas, feel free to move around. The Academy is organized by the following sections and includes the following courses and materials.
Part # 1- Understand the Mind, Emotions, Spirit, and Body Connection
You can’t change what you’re not aware of. Learn how your thoughts steal your peace of mind and hinder relationship with God. Includes:
- It’s All In Your Mind 4-Part Video Series: Is Your Mind Sabotaging Your Relationship with God?
- The Transformative Power of Christian Meditation Webinar (Replay)
- 7-Part Video Series: Winning the Battle of the Mind: What is Christian Meditation, Benefits of Christian Meditation, Renewing your mind, and more!
- 10 Spiritual Disciplines that Will Change Your Life Daily Devotional.

Part # 2- Learn How to Meditate & Renew Your Mind
Once you understand the mind, body, emotions, and spirit connection, it’s time to learn how to meditate in a way that will restore your peace of mind, reduce daily stress, create a deeper relationship with God, and promote inner healing.
- 8-Day Christian Meditation Mini-Course
- 7-Week Renewing Your Mind Beginner’s Christian Meditation Course
- 4-Part Scripture Meditation Audio Course
- 2-Part How to do Centering Prayer Video Series
Part # 3- Establishing an Ongoing Practice
Once you learn how to meditate, you’ll want to establish an ongoing practice so you can continue to reap the benefits. This section will provide you with tools to help you turn Christian meditation into a lifestyle.
- Creating a Morning and Evening Routine
- 5-Day Spiritual Self-Care Challenge (Video Series)
- 10 Day Christian Meditation Challenge
- Christian Yoga for Stress & Anxiety (10 Day Challenge)
- A Date with God Course- Creating a Life Changing Morning Routine

Part # 4- Spiritual and Personal Development
Once you have learned how to meditate and established a daily practice, use these self-paced courses below to continue to learn, grow, and heal.
- 12-Step Christianity (Break your addiction to the world and create greater dependency upon Christ)
- 12-Week Help Me God Change My Life Daily Program
- Recommended Videos (Various authors)
- Over 12 Video Lessons by Rhonda
Part # 5- Mental, Emotional, and Physical Healing
What do we do with those negative emotions that show up once we become still and stop distracting ourselves. Part # 5 shares techniques on Emotional Healing methods to help you release your past and manage your emotions.
- Welcoming Prayer
- Putting Off Prayer
- Spiritual Warfare Prayers
- 4- Part Inner Healing Mini-Course

Bonus # - Christian Meditations and Affirmations Listening Library
You’ll have access to over 60 guided Christian meditations and affirmation recordings to help you combat a variety of negative thoughts and emotions and enter into God’s divine presence. Seven topic areas include:
- Peace of Mind and Stress Relief
- Emotional Health and Healing
- Physical Health and Healing
- Family and Relationships (Includes meditations for children)
- Success and Abundance
- Worship and Intimacy with God
- Best of Christian Meditation
Bonus # - Community and Support
Stay accountable, get your questions answered, and support other like-minded believers!
- Private Facebook Group
- Community Forum
- Discount on Abiding in Christ 12-Christian Meditation Coaching Program (when offered)
- 50% off any one-time meditation coaching session with Rhonda by phone or online (30 to 60 minutes).

Plus Two More FREE Bonuses!
Try out the academy for 30-days and you’ll receive these two bonuses for you to keep should you decide to cancel. These include my brand new Pure Presence Meditation Audio to help you in manifesting your dreams and desires by dwelling in God’s pure presence. In addition, you’ll receive my Spirit & Soul Care Routine Guide that I currently do each day to keep my walk in Christ’s love, peace, and purpose for my life. Can be downloaded!


Get Started for Free! Try It Out for Free.
More Ways to Enhance Your Spiritual Journey!
Purchase Christian meditations and affirmation CDs and downloads, discounted audio bundles, individual spiritual and personal growth courses, personal retreat kit, God Getaway retreats, events, and more, separately!