What is an intention? An intention is an anticipated outcome. Intentions can be different from plain thoughts, objectives, or goals in that when we create a goal, we usually create an action plan or specific steps to accomplish it. When we create intentions, we leave the who, how, what, or when up to God or the Spirit. Instead of trying to figure out or make something happen, we allow the wisdom of God to manifest our desires in a perfect way at just the right time. That doesn’t mean that no action is required, but we wait for the inner promptings of God to guide our steps, instead of trying to figure it all out prematurely. If we are patient, sometimes our desires will show up with no effort on our part at all. If our intention is internal transformation, we may begin to witness positive changes in our behavior without initially realizing it.
In Matt 16:19, Jesus said, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”. Intention is the power behind our purposeful words or desires. Through intention we give power to the Spirit to create what we want and stop creating circumstances by default or our old thought patterns. God spoke and it came forth. Luke 6:45 tells us that we create positive or negative outcomes through the words we speak and meditate on. After saying my daily intentions, I feel that energy leaving me going forth to make things happen. I feel in alignment with my purpose and who God created me to be. My written intentions keep me upbeat and focused on success and well-being, and I know that I’m not leaving my circumstances to chance.
Read these intentions aloud and create more of your own. I also have business intentions that were not included in this list. I expect each and every one of them to come to pass. We know through faith and patience we will inherit every promise of God, so begin to claim yours now. Praise God!
My Daily Intentions:
- I intend to have a great day.
- I intend to have a blessed day.
- I intend to have a prosperous day.
- Today I am one step closer to fulfilling my purpose.
- Today I am one step closer to manifesting the desires of my heart.
- Today, I am one step closer to being the woman (or man) God created me to be.
- I intend to receive all the knowledge and wisdom I need to succeed.
- I intend to walk by faith.
- I intend to give every care over to God, Abba Father.
- I intend to trust God to meet all my needs.
- I intend to trust God beyond what I can see with my natural eyes.
- I intend to let go of the past, opening the door to new wonderful opportunities.
- I intend to be surrounded by my guardian angels who assist me and keep me safe.
- I intend to be inspired and led by the Holy Spirit.
- I intend to possess the land that God has prepared for me.
- I intend to speak words that inspire others.
- I intend on being a healing light to the world.
- I intend to forgive myself and others for not living up to my expectations.
- I intend to release fear and doubt and with courage pursue my dreams and desires.
- I intend to not pass judgment but to except others as they are.
- I intend to love others just as Christ loves the church.
- I intend to be lead by God’s spirit in everything I do.
- I intend to pray for, ask, and believe for what I want.
- I intend to eliminate busyness and everything that interferes with my purpose and intentions for this day.
- I intended to be grateful for all God has blessed me with.
- I intend to attract wealth, abundance, and prosperity wherever I go.
- I intend to release all worry, fear, anxiety, and anything that stands in the way of love, joy, peace, and prosperity flowing freely in my life.
- I intend to honor my body as the holy temple that it is.
- I intend to posses God’s peace that passes all understanding.
- I intend to maintain a life of balance and wholeness.
- I intend to plan my day and use my time with the greatest efficiency.
- I intend to let God be God.
“You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” – Matthew 17:20
Coming Soon- Daily Intentions Video!
Luke 6:45 reads “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.” My paraphase was “we create positive or negative outcomes through the words we speak and meditate on.”
While I understand what you are trying to say, I believe that your usage of Luke 6:45 is a little off of context.