Try a Power Meditation

Try a Power Meditation

try a power meditation christian meditationLately I have been practicing one of my meditation sessions a little differently.  Generally I try to meditate twice a day, one guided meditation (usually one of my Cds) and then a Centering Prayer meditation (a silent meditation using a sacred word to anchor my mind).  There are many benefits to meditation and meditating on God and His word. I believe one of the most important reasons is to quiet our mind so we can hear and build relationship with God on a spiritual level. I enjoy both types because they provide me with different experiences and results.

Well I kind of stumbled on a new way to meditate on God that is empowering me spirituality, renewing my mind, and increasingpowe my joy and well-being. I wanted to share it with you.

Basically it is like a Centering Prayer integrated with Scriptural affirmations.  I select about 10 scriptural affirmations (like the ones on my affirmation Cds) and if they are long I shorten them to short phrases like:

I am blessed of God

I walk in divine favor

God’s blessing over take me

I have unspeakable joy

Everything I touch prosper

Doors of opportunity open up all around me

Then silently, I repeat each affirmation over in my mind 10-20 times. Each time I repeat the affirmation I allow God’s joy, power, and excitement to swell up in my soul.  I may even visualize the manifestation of each affirmation in my life.  Once I am  finished with one affirmation I go to the next and continue through each meditation until the end of the 20 minute session.

I think this is a wonderful way to get God’s promises deep in our spirit and to crowd out negativity and fear.  Try it and let me know what you think.

If you would like some more information on Centering Prayer below are several books that you might enjoy:

power meditation christian meditator 04952: Centered Living Centered LivingBy M. Basil Pennington / Liguori PublicationsIf you’re looking to block out the distraction-to prepare your mind to better connect with the gifts of God’s presence- this look at the popular contemplative technique know as Centering Prayer is your key to a richer spiritual life. In easy-to-understand language, internationally renowned author M. Basil Pennington combines testimonies of practitioners, updated guidelines, theological reflections, and helpful hints for teaching others in an exploration of all the essential information about Centering Prayer.
power meditation www.thechristianmeditator 99044: Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God: the Practice of Centering Prayer Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God: the Practice of Centering PrayerBy J. David Muyskens / Upper RoomIt’s been said that centering prayer is like two friends sitting together in silence, just being in each other’s presence—completely natural and comfortable. Yet, centering prayer is sometimes viewed as too mysterious, too escapist, too hard.At first, it even appeared that way to the author, but events in his life and his further studies about prayer redirected his views. Through Muyskens’ insightful guidance, you’ll explore a simple, biblical practice of prayer that leads to a deep communion with God and encourages a way of life motivated by the divine, perhaps untapped, Presence at the center of your being. Through a simple 20-minute per day practice of contemplative prayer over the course of 40 days, draw closer in your relationship with God. As you progress through the daily scripture and meditative readings in Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God, you’ll find greater understanding and fresh awareness of Jesus’ promise, “I am with you always.”

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