On May 16, 2009- I was a guest on the GeoGee and Tasha BlogTalkRadio Show where I elaborated on the practice of Christian meditation and its benefits to the born-again believer. Many believers suffer from worry, stress, and mental clutter that interferes with a more fruitful walk with God. Listen to the show to learn more about Biblical meditation and show it can change your life! Listen Now!
The article is very good. Write please more.
I would like to thank you for the insight and inspiration I received from listening to your showed that featured RHONDA JONES, the Christian Mediator!
I enjoyed the questions asked by the host and I really enjoyed the topic. Rhonda is very knowledgeable about the subject of Christian meditation.
As a born-again Spirit filled Christian, I too suffered from anxiety and depression. I turned to all sorts of remedies to get some relief. It was not until I did a GOOGLE search and found Rhonda’s website, ordered, and I started listening to her CDs, my anxiety and depression lifted, and I HAVE NOT BEEN THE SAME SINCE. That was about 2 years ago!
Rhonda’s Meditation CDs are a MUST if you want to learn how to have a more intimate RELATIONSHIP with GOD through our LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Jeff L. Robertson
Upper Marlboro, Maryland