Discovered your website by God’s Grace

Dear Rhonda, I have read some books on Christian meditation and have been practicing some form of christian meditation until I discovered your website by God’s Grace. Your website, the free meditation downloads, your ebooks like creating greater intimacy with God (now Dwelling in God’s Presence)  and the various articles you write and send me by email have all enriched my spiritual life and brought me into a closer relationship with God.

I have read your ebook, Creating greater intimacy with God once and now I am reading it again.How spiritually rich and uplifting it is. The meditation CDs I ordered have arrived.I have now much insight into the practice of christian meditation than I ever had. I Listen to the meditation CDs early in the morning and in the evening before I go to bed. I also do scripture meditation and also do the 5 minute daily meditations you send me by email. My spiritual life has become richer.I am more calm and more at peace.My thought life has changed.I have the mind of Christ. I  love to attend the meditation retreat but I live in rural Australia with 3 children aged 5,3,1 years with my wife. A journey to America from Australia with the family is not easy for us at this time.We pray that in time this would be easy for us. I am planning to  talk more about christian meditation in my church and share with them your meditation CDS and encourage them to purchase your meditation CDS so that the CDS will enrich their spiritual lives as they have done mine.

Remain blessed, Rhonda.

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