I Love Your CDs

 I love your CD’s and share them with friends whenever possible. I myself have wanted to make a CD like yours for a long time now. I even have a lot of text saved that I wanted to be on it. I am a firm believer in keeping control of your thought life. Mine was absolutely out of control for a very long time, and the ill effects were overwhelming and painful. It was like I lived in a separate world of despair and lies. I listen to “As I wake” every  morning, and protection, faith and joy affirmations every day. I can’t believe how big of a difference quoting and hearing God’s word each day has made in my life. I always knew that it would make a huge difference, I just never knew HOW to do it. The CD’s that I have on order with you right now are for my grandfather who is undergoing an important procedure on Wednesday 2/8/12 and will need a strong thought life, full of Christ’s healing words. I plan to bring your CD’s and his CD player up to the hospital. If you happen to have these in stock with the relaxation portion on a separate track from the affirmations, I’d take those! Thank you for all you do. God Bless. 
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