Christian Meditation In the Life of Today’s Believer?

what is christian meditationChristian Meditation: What is it?

In the simplest terms, Christian Meditation is “Being with God.” It is dwelling in his presence. It is coming and sitting before God without an agenda; it is simply being with God for the mere pleasure of being with God.

That sounds simple enough, right? But some thing gets in the way of us just being with God. What do you think it is? If you said “our thoughts” you’re absolutely right.

When we try to just be with God or dwell within his presences our thoughts about anything and everything begin to flood our minds. And whether these thoughts are good or bad, it keeps us from focusing solely on the Lord. So what can we do to stop or eliminate these thoughts so we can keep our focus on the Lord?

Well it is impossible to completely stop all thoughts, but what we can do is not put our attention on them. One form of Christian meditation is to meditate on a scripture or sacred word.  This word or scripture phrase helps us to bring our attention back to God and the present moment each time our mind wanders off in thought.

Christian Meditation Can Help Us to Renew Our Mind

Jesus said, I will keep thee in perfect peace whose mind is stayed, fixed, or meditating on me. Repeating a sacred word or scripture when our mind has wandered off in a random thought, helps us to bring our attention back to God and his presence.

What sacred word or scripture phrase can you use? The words Jesus, Lord, Savior, Love, Peace, Holy Spirit, God, Father, Creator, Trust and Faith are all rooted in the Bible. For scripture phrase you can choose all or parts of Psalms 23, The Lords prayer, Proverbs 3, etc. You will need to memorize them first. In addition to repeating your scripture word or phrase, playing soft music quietly in the background can also have a quieting effect on the mind.


Christian Meditation: Still Before the Lord

The Bible says that God is a Spirit and that those that worship him must worship it in spirit and in truth. The Kingdom of God is within each and every one of us and we access that Kingdom by connecting with God through our hearts and through his word. We can’t see God but we can know and experience him, but it takes being still and allowing his presence, his spirit, and his word, to fill us up, through and through, by creating a greater space for him in our hearts.If “just being” with God is new to you, begin slowly, starting with five minutes  working up to twenty five minuets a day. Set a timer.

Christian meditation is simply meditating on God, his word, and his presence. However, Christian meditation can take various forms depending upon your outcomes. If you want to meditate for stress release the method you choose would be different from someone who want to draw closer to God.

During Christian meditation you can meditate on God’s word, a passage of scripture, his presence, or even a sacred word, often called a Mantra, like the name “Jesus.” Meditating on a passage of scripture, a phrase in the Bible, or a sacred word is great for quieting the mind and controlling repetitive thoughts. As you mind begins to wander off in thought, you bring it back to the present moment by bringing your attention back to your passage or word. You’ll find with consistent meditation of this type, that your mind begins to quiet down and you create a greater capacity to hear God and abide in his spirit.

Christian Meditation is Being With God

Again, Christian Meditation is referred to as “Being with God.” Have you ever been in a church service when the presence of God was so strong that you could just linger there forever. Meditating on God’s presence is similar to this. By being still, putting your attention on God, and quieting your thoughts, you create an inner environment to just be with the Lord in Spirit and Truth. Psalms 46:10 tells us to “be still and know that I am God.”

In our hurried lifestyles many Christians don’t take the time to fellowship with the Lord. From the time they wake up to the time they go to bed, they’re involved in endless activity. Jesus strength came from the time that he spent with the Father in silence and solitude.

To conclude, “What is Christian meditation?” Simply put, it is connecting with God with our heart instead of our head.
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What Makes Christian Meditation Different Than Other Types of Meditation?

what is christian meditation

There are various methods of Christian meditation. Christian meditation can deepen your relationship with God, make you more sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and help you to renew your mind. Christian guided meditations are great for those who are new to Christian meditation.

Christian guided meditation is a form of meditation that includes a narrative that guides the listener through the meditation. Other forms of Christian meditation include meditating on a sacred word or phrase, a passage of scriptures, or even meditating on God’s presence. Those are more silent types of meditation and are great for helping to control or quiet the mind and dwell in God’s presence.

Christian guided meditation is different in that you allow another person to take you through the meditation. If you are new to meditation, guided Christian meditations can make meditating easier by providing structure to the meditation. You don’t have to worry if you’re doing it wrong. You’ll find that you relax more easily and quickly. In guided Christian meditation the author voice becomes your spiritual anchor. All you need to do is relax and let go.

In addition, guided meditation is often set to soothing background music. This can also make it easier to relax and enjoy the meditation. Many guided meditation include a theme. You can find guided Christian meditations on healing, overcoming the past, love, relationships, forgiveness, releasing pain, overcoming negative emotions, and stress relief. Using a guided meditation is very effective in overcoming specific areas or problems. If you are meditating to find relief in a particular area, a guided meditation is the best choice.

Also, guided Christian meditations contain a narrative. These narratives can be interactive meaning they have you walking in a forest or talking to Jesus. They may also include stories from the Bible or topical scriptures.

Joshua 1:8 tells believers to meditate on God’s word day and night. That means that every Christian should be a meditating Christian. You don’t need a guided Christian meditation to meditate on God, but if you’re serious about Christian meditation, it’s a helpful tools in getting started.  Learn more about the Benefits of Christian Meditation.   Visit The Christian Meditator to learn more and listen to a large variety of guided Christian meditation downloads and samples.


Video: What is Christian Meditation?


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