An Intimacy with God that Transforms

By Guest Writer Audrey Bryant

Are you ready to be like Jesus? Are you ready to see God’s plan and purpose fulfilled in your life? I did not ask you about your situation, pain or problem. Are you ready to walk in the kingdom of God bringing damage to satan’s kingdom: the kingdom and power of darkness? I did not ask you what others think of you. Are you ready? If your answer is yes, then keep in mind that God is able to reveal His purpose for our lives through an intimate relationship–worship. The following are a few ideas to enhance our intimacy with God.


• Repent or return to God. Thinking differently about God and His way is essential to knowing Him and fulfilling our purpose in life. God must be our focus and He will bring change, no matter how long it takes. When we put our focus on Him, He changes us–the inner us. Deep issues and concerns are healed. All this healing takes place inside us where no human eyes can see. But there is change.

• We must know God and know that He loves us, like a good daddy. We must trust God and depend on Him, like we would a good daddy. We must feel free to talk to and with God, like we would with a good daddy. To be like Jesus, we must have a personal and intimate relationship with our Daddy.

• As we grow spiritually we must always seek God, longing for Him and determined to find Him as a little child. Finding Daddy is not merely locating Him. It’s being with Him, talking to Him, listening to Him, trusting Him, needing Him and obeying Him. Additionally, it is receiving all He has for us.

• Get into God’s face (His presence) and give Him what He wants. Your new motto might be, “Whatever it takes, I’ve gotta be like Jesus.”

• Keep in mind that God, our Father has a great and kingly plan for our lives. Call to Him, no matter where you are, no matter how you feel and no matter what others are saying or doing. God is good and He will hear.

• Remember, the prerequisite for service is worship. You cannot serve until you have worshipped, until you have spent time with God and worship has become your life. Spend time with Him and ask Him what He will have you to do. Come to know God, not just about Him.


Looking for greater intimacy with God, check out A Date with God Devotional Set.


About the author: I have a passion for helping others become more intimate with God and Jesus. My motivational e-book It’s Time to be Like Jesus: From Worship to Service is available at

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