Over the past 15 years, I’ve come across so many Christians who suffer from depression, struggle with anxiety, are filled with worry, and feel disconnected from God. Many don’t realize just how much their un-renewed and destructive minds and thoughts are contributing to their unhappiness, discontentment, and lackluster relationship with God. I know because I was one of them.
The problem is most Christians aren’t taught how to take authority over their thought life, even though we have memorized this scripture verbatim. Even Jesus tells us in numerous ways throughout the scriptures to renew our minds, as a man thinks so is he, a good man out of the good treasure in his heart brings forth what is good, and bring every thought captive to Christ. If you are struggling in any aspect of your life, the first place to look is the condition of your mind and thoughts.
The next question I’m often asked is, what is Christian meditation, how does it help, and how do I do it? My Free 19-page ebook, Scripture Meditation: Using God’s Word to Restore Your Peace of Mind, will show you how. Maybe you already downloaded it but haven’t read it or gotten started, this is just a friendly reminder to you to take action!
In this ebook, you’ll learn why so many Christians are depressed, what is the Christian honeymoon stage, how to overcome chronic or negative thinking, and how to use Christian meditation to renew your mind and draw closer to God. Essentially, when we can clear out the mental clutter, we create a greater space to hear and commune with Christ. The cleaner we are on the inside, the more of God’s love and light can abide within us. More light, more joy!
If you are ready to transform your life with this awesome practice, a regular Christian meditation practice is the best place to begin. Right now, commit to a time each morning to complete the ebook and spend a few moments practicing the meditation instructions.
There are a lot of Christian meditation videos on youtube, but meditating with purpose is something completely different.
I’m a total youtube junkie. I especially love listening to anything about the mind and healing. I thank God for all the information that youtube has made available to us. However, when it comes to making real change in our lives, we need a system. I can listen to tons of great videos on healing and the mind, and after a while can become really overwhelmed. Many times, I just want someone to take my hand and say, do this first, then this, and then this. We can have a lot of great knowledge without ever really knowing how to apply it to our situation or for the best results. Having a mentor, coach, or instructor can help you gain the best results in less time.
In addition, when we create a system, actionable steps around our goals, we’re much more likely to succeed. Listening to random meditation videos can be helpful, but is it providing you with the tools you need to live a more abundantly life, everyday? This includes inner peace, less stress, a quieter mind, and a greater connection with God? Probably not.
So often, people will email me and ask me to make a meditation on this problem or that. They think that meditation is a cure-all. It’s not! Christian meditation is a tool that helps us to dive deeper into the mental, emotional, and spiritual realms of our life. This awareness can then provide the insight we need so that healing can take place. Therefore, not only do I teach Christian meditation for personal awareness and peace of mind, but I also share healing tools and techniques that help you to release your pain (or whatever is ailing you) instead of just managing it.
You see, I’ve been teaching Christian meditation for almost 15 years and specializing in inner healing. My mission is to provide Christians with effective tools, guidance, and instruction so that they don’t have to stay victims of their past, their pain, and their minds. Through online courses, retreats, guided meditations, and books I’ve written, I have helped thousands of Christians discover this wonderful practice and begin the process of heal their lives. I call it a process because we must continue to purify our hearts and renew our minds daily. I want to help you as well.
Thanks to the online world and real-time feedback, I’ve honed my meditation teaching skills. Most importantly, I have created a successful system – that takes you beyond the random meditation or two. My mission is to ensure you create a Christian meditation practice that will change your life and enhance your relationship with God. You can be assured you will learn how to meditate with the purpose of living a more abundant and rewarding life. This doesn’t mean everyday will be a bed of roses, but with the tools you’ll learn, you don’t have to stay stuck in the thorns for weeks, months, even years.
So let’s get to it! Find a quiet, comfy place, pour a healthy beverage, and let’s start mastering the scripture meditation basics. I’ll show you why’s and how’s of doing scripture meditation.
I am so excited we are on this meditation journey together!
BTW, please join the Christians Who Meditate Facebook Group with over 2500 members now.
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