How Can I Improve My Christian Life?

improve my christian life

Question: How Can I Improve My Christian Life?

Answer:  The irony to this question is that we think “we” can improve our Christian walk.  The number one thing I believe we can do to live a more fulfilling Christian life is to get out of God’s way and let him work through us.  God wants us to decrease so He can increase within us.  Paul said, within Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). Jesus said that if we abide in Him and He abides in us, we will bring forth much fruit for without him we can do nothing. We are God’s branches and he is the vine.  God wants us to be a vessel for Him.  So what does it mean to die to ourselves as the Bible so bluntly puts it. It means to eliminate, release, and let go of everything that stands in the way of allowing God to fully live through us. It could mean ridding ourselves of fear, doubt, unbelief, selfishness, anger, judgment, and all other toxic emotions.  It also means surrendering ourselves to God daily and inviting the Holy Spirit to teach, guide, and live in us unhindered.  There is nothing more fulfilling than being used by God.  Begin by becoming still before the Lord and then expressing your desire to grow in Him. Surrender everything to him and use daily meditation to tune into God’s spirit and help you eliminate any fears, habits, or mindsets that may be limiting God’s access to you.  A great Christian meditation is I Surrender. You can find it at

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