How I Meditate as a Christian Spotlight Submission Information

[note note_color=”#e4e3e0″ text_color=”#040404″ radius=”2″]New Category: How to Meditate As a Christian AND How I Spend My Quiet Time with God Spotlights[/note]

share your meditation practice


I know there are a lot of Christian Meditators out there or those who have a regularly scheduled time with God. Several weeks ago I was browsing a popular health and wellness website and came across dozens of spotlights posted on various meditators and their practices. Each meditator shared different aspects of their meditation practice, like when they meditate, why they meditate, and how they meditate just to name a few.

Reading through many of them, I embraced some new ideas that I was interested in trying out. Then a light bulb moment!  I got the idea that I’d like to do something similar but focusing on how Christians meditate or spend their Quiet Time with God. The scriptures tell us that we are strengthened by the testimonies of others. I know I love hearing about how other Christians and their walk.  I believe if you are struggling with dedicating a consistent meditation practice or quiet time with God, feeling stuck, need encouragement, or just need a reminder that you’re not alone in your quest to abide with God, hearing real stories  can be extremely uplifting and supportive.

Hence… this week I launched the a new blog category that will spotlight people like YOU and Me. To get it started I created my own spotlight that tells you just how I’m meditating these days (my practice changes as I change).

Read my Christian Meditation Spotlight


I know that The Christian Meditator has birthed many new Christ-centered meditators and here’s your chance to share your story with our readers. In an effort to get more people to participate and submit their own spotlight, for the next 30 days, every person who submits a completed questionnaire with a photo will get their choice of any $9.95 download (up to 30 entries.) You can choose from two categories: How I Meditate as a Christian or How I Spend My Quiet Time with God.

If you have a business, service, or organization you’d like to promote you’ll have an opportunity to share it as well, so here is a chance to get some good publicity.

Also, don’t feel you have to meditate every day, be a super spiritual Christian, or a meditation expert to participate. If you meditate (even if using a guided CD or youtube meditation, or attend a Christian meditation group) somewhat regularly and it has changed your life for the better that’s really all you need to be a great candidate, well almost…

You’ll also need…

  • To complete the questionnaire with genuine and authentic answers.
  • Submit a photo of yourself, candid, realistic and natural are best that is at least 600 pixels wide. Just take one with your smart phone. Please to professional business portraits. A picture that shares a part of your authentic self is best or during your quiet time even better.
  • Submit by November 20, 2016 to get free download. You can submit after this date as well.

If I get enough entries coming in, I’d love to post a new one every week, but I need your help.


See questions below to get started! Select only one.

Just copy questions below in your word-pressing program and answer the questions.

how to meditate as a Christian

How I Meditate As a Christian Questionnaire

Please answer the following questions. You can answer with two words to several paragraphs. Please see My Spotlight post for an example. Answers may be edited or shorten for readability and/or space.

Please answer all questions genuinely and authentically!

Bio: (150 Words) Just tell a little about yourself.

When you meditate? Time, days

Where you meditate? Location

Why did you start meditating and when did you start? Doctor recommendation, anxiety, heard about meditation from Dr. Oz or Oprah, etc.

How you meditate? Your current or favorite method or technique, i.e. guided CD, scripture, etc.  How long do you meditate at any one time. Share briefly any steps you can share.

How has meditation changed your life? Noticeable benefits

What advice would you give for beginners just getting started?

What has been the most challenging aspect of your meditation practice?

What is your favorite scripture related to meditation?

What do you like or found the most useful on The Christian Meditator Website?

Do you have a website link you’d like to share?


Submit: Questions and photo to


how to meditate as a Christian


How I Spend my Quiet Time with God Questionnaire

Please answer the following questions. You can answer with two words to several paragraphs. Please see My Spotlight post for an example. Answers may be edited or shorten for readability and/or space.

Please answer all questions genuinely and authentically!

Bio: (150 Words) Just tell a little about yourself.

When you spend time with God? Time, days

Where you do you spend time with God? Location

Why did you develop a Quiet Time with God and when did you start it?

How you do structure your Quiet Time with God?  Share briefly any steps you can share.

What tools do you use?

How has your Quiet Time with God changed your life? Noticeable benefits

What advice would you give for beginners just getting started?

What has been the most challenging aspect of your Quiet Time with God?

What is your favorite scripture related to spending time with God?

What do you like or found the most useful on The Christian Meditator Website?

Do you have a website link you’d like to share?


Submit: Questions and photo to


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