The Day of the Lord is at Hand (Video) featuring Benjamin Baruch

(Excerpt taken from Lyn Leahz)

In 1996, Author Benjamin Baruch was taken by God to see the end of the United States of America, and witnessed things that were downright chilling to the bone, including concentration camps, martial law, and more! He was also shown September 11, 2001 before it happened! Wait until you hear all that God told him, and revealed! Coincidentally, Baruch strongly feels that what God revealed to him is upon us now! It will literally give you chills and take your breath away! 





Is there a move of deception in the church? Are these moves of the Holy Spirit? What do you think? Check out the videos below:


1 thought on “The Day of the Lord is at Hand (Video) featuring Benjamin Baruch”

  1. What Benjamin Baruch is saying would be a new revelation which is contrary to holy scripture. Trying to time the market is a fools errand – one wonders whether this man worship God or manna.

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