What Does It Mean to Meditate on God?

If you are like most believers you might be thinking “meditate!,” isn’t that for monks and those associated with Eastern religions?   The practice of Biblical meditation for many modern day believers is relatively unknown. Yet, thorough research will show that Christian meditation is nothing new. You can find numerous books, websites, and articles on this subject alone.  However, our greatest incentive for Christ-centered meditation can be found right in the Bible. Joshua said in 1:8 that if we meditate on God day and night that we will have success and prosperity in life.  Psalms 16:11, tells us that in God’s presence is fullness of joy. But what does it really mean to meditate on God?

The synonyms for meditate are: reflect, pray, ponder, muse, ruminate, cogitate, study, think, and contemplate.   Therefore, when we integrate the word meditation with Christian, Biblical meditation is simply the practice of reflecting, musing, pondering, and contemplating God, his principles, his word, and his presence. It is generally referred to as a method used to quiet our minds so we can move from knowing about God to knowing and experience God in a personal way. One of the most common ways Christians meditate is to focusing on a scripture or biblical word that helps them to silence their thoughts, thus creating a greater opportunity to hear God and connect with the Holy Spirit living within them.

Are you feeling stressed, worried, or restlessness?  I have a variety of Christ-centered meditation Cds to help you restore your peace of mind. Each meditation begins with a progressive relaxation exercise, followed by a Biblical narrative, and soft background music.  One of my most popular Cds for stress relief is Eliminating Stress and Toxic Emotions. Just click on the link to listen to samples and learn more.

4 thoughts on “What Does It Mean to Meditate on God?”

  1. Rhonda Miller

    I found you several years ago on YouTube and have been encouraged so much about how the Lord has increased you. I thank God for how you are flowing so beautifully in God’s plan for you. Thank you for sharing with us. Thanks to you, I love to meditate on God’s Word and get closer to him.

    Rhonda Miller

  2. roger hamel

    Hello Rhonda, My name is Roger and I am new to your message. I find your message refreshing and clear. I grew up Catholic and attended schools of Catholicism. I came from a orthodox family and still am the oldest grand child or over 57. The Catholic experience was rewarding and complete in the orthodox message. However, meditation was looked over and paported as a form of prayer. After High school I joined the Army and in a short time found myself in Viet Nam, 1969-1970. My first language, French gave me an advantage because except for young children all Vietnamese spoke French. Because French was my first language I was placed in a covert operation infiltrating the VC tunnels to recon intelligent documents. On one of many missions my squad and I, with stealth infiltrated Buddhist Monasteries and I quickly made friends with beautiful souls. They the Buddhist were staved for knowledge of the Lord and I about Buddhism. Overtime I was invited by the Abbott to meditate with the group of monks. I soon realized that meditation of Jesus teaching opened new vistas of my christian faith. Surviving the war I attended a University and studied Philosophy and as a Christian practiced Zen for seven years in reaching higher consciousness of my Lord. Buddhism, and Zen have no Deity the goal is to transcend into Enlightenment. When the Buddha was ask what is Enlightenment? He answered “the end of pain.” May the Lord be with You. Roger

  3. Thank you for your website and input that we receive daily. Many Christians have a wall when it comes to meditation, religion keeps people from receiving tools for a better life. Currently I am using “brainwave entrainment” because I have been going through terrible stressful issues. There are some B-entrainment tapes that I wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole, but when the Holy Spirit leads you to Neurotechnoloy, to gain greater insight to what is available today, this is a great blessing. May God bless you with your site and all that you are doing. Sincerely Diane

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