Lifestyle Coaching

Total Mess to Total Rest Lifestyle Coaching

peace of mind-lifestyle coaching

Coming Soon!

“The significant issues we face cannot be resolved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” – Albert Einstein

Is Your Life a Total Mess? Take the Test Below:

  • Is your life feeling out of balance?
  • Are you too young to feel so old?
  • Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed with life?
  • Do you feel as though you’re running on empty?
  • Are you overcome with fear, anger, worry, or other toxic emotions?
  • Is your life filled with emotional or physical clutter?
  • Are you overweight and want to shed unwanted pounds?
  • Do you need to recharge your health?
  • Do you feel disconnected from God?
  • Are you lacking a vision or purpose?
  • Does your life feel lopsided, too much of this and not enough of that?
  • Does it just feel like something is missing from your life?
  • Do you want to make changes in your life but don’t know where to begin?
  • Are you seeking total rest from your issues or problems?


If you answered yes to many of the questions, your life is either a total mess or on it’s way to be.

The Total Mess to Total Rest Lifestyle Coaching Program, which is adapted from my popular book, Help Me God Change My Life, will help you bring more balance into your life and with more balance you’ll obtain better health and overall well-being. In other words, you can Rest!

Often we think we must change our circumstances to change our life, but that is putting it backwards.

Did you know that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world and literally shows what’s going on inside you? That is why it is fruitless to make changes from outside ourselves. Real change comes from changing our core and that includes altering our unconscious thoughts and limiting beliefs.

When we change our inner life, our outer world begins to reflect these changes automatically in light of our new insights and perceptions.

You Need Space to Grow and Change!

Just think about a garden. Once it is full of plants and weeds, there is no more room for growth.  At some point a flourishing plant is going to need to be replanted in a larger planter box and the weeds are going to need pulling.  We really do outgrow our internal surroundings and begin to crave something more. If you want to add something new, you need to take something out, shift something around, or create a larger space for more opportunities.  In addition to this, you also need tools.  The right tools always makes the transition so much easier.

If your life is filled with lots of  busyness and activity from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, you are not inviting an environment for change or growth. There just isn’t any room. Change requires adding new behaviors and mindsets that promote the life you really want and seeking new opportunities that allow you to flourish instead of becoming stagnate.

Through the Total Mess to Total Rest Lifestyle Coaching Program you will receive a weekly action plan with small changes to your life that build over the 12-weeks.  Each week as you successfully complete your goals, you build confidence, momentum, and excitement. You may not realize it, but you only need to make small changes to your life on a consistent basis to make permanent lifestyle changes.  Just think about an airplane that is 1% off course, it’s literally going to reach a new destination! Once a week we will have a personal phone chat to discuss your progress and work through any setbacks or resistance.

Through the Total Mess to Total Rest Lifestyle Coaching Program:

You will learn how to:

  • Create an inner and outer environment that will bring more peace, clarity, and openness in your life that will allow  answers to come forth naturally.
  • Eliminate the blocks and obstacles (mental, physical, and emotional) that may be keeping you stuck and sabotaging your goals, success, or desires.
  • Find joy and gratitude in the  life you have now as you move toward your innate dreams and desires.
  • Work with accountability to help you to follow through and not give up prematurely before new habits and mindsets have set in.

Through the Total Mess to Total Rest Lifestyle Coaching Program you will gain:

  • Weight Loss and  Overall Better Health
  • More Peace of Mind
  • Work Life Balance
  • Deeper Relationship with God
  • Eliminate Mental and Physical Clutter
  • Improve Your Relationships
  • Clarify and Work Towards Your Goals
  • Live with Intention

12- Week Program includes:

  • One 2- hour coaching session, four 1- hour sessions, and seven- 30 minute sessions via  Office, Skype, or Phone
  • Email support
  • Weekly Goals
  • Daily Lessons

This program incorporates Biblical and/or guided Christian meditation.

Cost: TBA

Please use the contact form to send me an email if you would like more information or may be interested in this service. I am estimating that coaching will begin around August 2013.

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