MS Course Wrap Up

Dear Christian Meditator,

Congratulations for completing this mini-course! This concludes this particular course. I hope that you enjoyed as well as benefited from it.

So many Christians are seeking a deeper and more heart-felt relationship with Christ. From the Bible, we learn that Father God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. It’s not enough to just have an head knowledge of Father God. We must connect with Christ at the heart level as well, the place where the Holy Spirit dwells. Yeshua actually wants to abide with us and in us. This is the main reason I love Christian meditation. For me, Christian meditation is like a doorway to our soul. It brings a deeper awareness, and helps us to discover the inner life, beyond the physical and tangible musings of life. It helps us to observe all of the debris (false mindsets, toxic emotions, fears, negative thoughts) that may be standing in the way of our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health and well-being. Once we know them, we don’t have to be their victims.

Growing in Christ and building our life on a spiritual foundation is a life-long pursuit and journey that can be both exciting, rewarding, and also scary, as we plunge into the deep recesses of our heart and mind. For that reason, I encourage you to take what you have learned from this mini-course and incorporate it into your daily life; maybe even turning it into a loving ritual that nurtures your soul and draws you closer to Father God through the Holy Spirit. Using the tools on hand and many more from The Christian Meditator, you can continue to build upon what you have started.

Want to learn more?

Below is a list of additional mini-courses in the series that may be of interest to you. If you’d like the entire collection, you can get them all for the discounted member’s rate of $97.00 (regularly sold for $197.00).

  • MS1- Getting Started with Christian Meditation(It’s Free!)
  • MS2- Building Your Christian Meditation Foundation
  • MS3- Christian Meditation &Peace of Mind
  • MS4- Christian Meditation & Physical Health and Healing
  • MS5- Christian Meditation & Inner Healing
  • MS6- Christian Meditation & Meditating on God’s Word
  • MS7- Christian Meditation, Self-Love and Kindness
  • MS8- Christian Meditation & Soaking (Being with God)
  • MS9- Christian Meditation & Manifesting Your Vision
  • MS10-Christian Meditation & Spiritual Warfare
  • MS11- Walking Meditation
  • MS12- Teaching Children Meditation
  • MS13- Emotional Healing Toolbox
  • MS14- Christian Yoga Challenge for Stress and Anxiety (It’s Free)


Liked the course? Want to suggest improvements? I’d love your feedback! Please share your thoughts with me at

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