Help Me God

Hi Rhonda,

I want to say thanks for your work in Christian Meditation. I believe they are all inspired by the Holy Spirit. I consider myself as a ‘strong’ Christian, I read my Bible everyday along with daily devotional and memorize scriptures and also have a healthy Christian community. I know the power of God’s words and have some affirmations to help me cope with my daily life. But, I never do meditation like your guided meditation, I only read, memorize and affirm, that’s it. I also enjoy and have a large collection of Christian books and sermons from Joyce Meyer, and many other famous preachers.
I knew your site several years ago when I wanted to add my affirmation’s collection. Honesty, when I stumbled upon your site, I thought it’s just another New Age movement or any other false religions. I used to think meditation is just for monks, Hindus, etc..and the Christian never meditate like this.
But you keep sending me newsletters to my email and I simply ignored it. Until one day, I struggle with broken relationship and it really made me depressed and low for about 2 years.
Although I might not admit it, but I know something’s wrong inside of me and everyday the thoughts of guilty, regret, anger and any other emotions you can name controlling my life. One day, I happened to click one link of your email about one of your article “4 myths of Meditation”. Voila! I talked to myself, maybe I will try if this is the real one from God. I bought 1 MP3 “Eliminating stress & releasing toxic emotions” I really really liked it. Then I bought 4 MP3s more..also I bought the program of “Help me God, change my life!” All I can say is wow! Everyday I always find something new in each lesson, I also can listen to God’s voice more and I started to enjoy the silence which was impossible for me before. sometimes the negative thoughts and emotions still rise and make me uncomfortable and restless. I also blame myself of this broken relationship and think “what if I didn’t do this..what if I do that…what if..and so on…” My mind seems automatically remind me of the lessons and meditations series like “peace, be still”, “God is working for my highest good” “even I made mistakes in the past, God will turn them full circle to serve my future success” and other phrases and scriptural phrases. And the peace of God is suddenly overtaking me 🙂
I hope you can give additional discounts for the Meditation MP3 as I plan to collect them 🙂
Thanks and Jesus blesses you!
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