A Different Type of Protest - The One that Starts Within

A Different Type of Protest – The One that Starts Within

By Rhonda Jones

“Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.” – Hosea 10:12

I recently read a beautiful article that gave an insightful perspective on the shaking that is taking place post the 2016 election. As some protest, resisting the establishment of a new presidency, others see the rumbles of chaos as the crumbling of a foundation that needs to make way for something new. Whenever change is happening, we can expect turbulence as the pillars shake vehemently preceding a great fall. Change can be difficult and moving into the unknown, daunting. Those without faith or an intimate and trusting relationship with Yah can easily get wrapped up and washed away with the hysteria. Yet even in the midst of chaos and change, for those whose heart seeks after Yah, in the secret places, we can find peace from within; we can see the light even in times of darkness and know that Yah often uses calamity to wake his people up. Just read Amos 4: 6-8 that shows God attempts to get the children of Israel to return to Him:

“I blasted you with blight and mildew. When your gardens increased, your vineyards, your fig trees, and your olive trees, the locust devoured them; yet you have not returned to Me,” says the LORD. “I sent among you a plague after the manner of Egypt; your young men I killed with a sword, along with your captive horses; I made the stench of your camps come up into your nostrils; yet you have not returned to Me,” says the LORD. “I overthrew some of you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and you were like a firebrand plucked from the burning; yet you have not returned to Me,” says the LORD.

Sometimes in our comfort and complacency the entanglements of the world slowly encroach upon our faith, dulling our sensitivities to God’s Spirit, Word, and Kingdom. God often uses adversity to cut the cords of wickedness and self-sufficiency so that we can humbly acknowledge that our need and dependency is in Him alone.

As I think about the protesters, paid or genuine, in their attempt to be heard and keep the status quo, it clearly signifies how often we fight our spiritual battles with carnal weaponry. Yet, depending upon whose side you’re on, should you take sides, we know that according to scripture, “where there is strife and envy, there is confusion and every evil work.” (James 3:16) “Satan comes to steal, kill, and to destroy.” (John 10:10) “It is by their fruits that we know them,” declares Matthew 7:16. But without a spiritual foundation, the abiding love of Christ, and a pure heart, well-meaning Christians can easily be taken over allowing feelings of hate, fear, and insecurity to rise up unchecked with them.

As Christian meditators, we are much more in-tuned to the body sensations and the triggers that move us from a place of peace and trust to one of doubt and fear. We are fortunate enough to have the tools and knowledge needed to quell, reject, and if necessary “cast off EVERY thought and imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,” his kingdom, and his principles. As Christian meditators, instead of a physical protest, we may choose a quiet revolt that includes prayer, intercession, and talking spiritual authority over principalities, powers, and invisible rulers. Though it may not seem as demonstrative as marching in the streets, it is far more powerful. However, this type of protest must first begin with examining and then emptying our own hearts of all malice, so that we can be fully embrace  Yah’s love, wisdom, and power. We do not condemn, for the lost, both in doctrine and sound mind, “know not what they do,” and we are not exempt. But also, we are not unaware of Satan’s devices; therefore, we fight on the only battleground that really matters, using the only weapons that will garner us as victors, undergirded with love, compassion, justice, and fairness for all.

Being proactive instead of reactive, intentional vs. persuaded, let us use our meditation practice and quiet times to affirm the good and the change we want to see, for all people. I believe that Yah is in control and we can trust him regardless of whatever side of the fence we happen to find ourselves. Perhaps he is doing a new thing? Perhaps it’s something we can get excited about as we continue to pray for His divine will to manifest itself on the earth. Aren’t we admonished to “thank God is everything?” We can only really do this from a place of trust, intimacy, and inner peace. I personally am excited to see a shaking up, a rock thrown in a pool of normalcy and stagnation. But, it doesn’t stop there. May Yah continue to rise up an army of soldiers who seek after Him in Spirit and Truth and most importantly LOVE, for love covers a multitude of sin, it never fails, and it is the backbone of the gospel, as without it, our actions and endeavors are lived in vain.

Please continue to pray and affirm the vision you’d like to see for America and the world. For what we meditate on grows. I desire to see an American free from corruption, greed, deceit, hatred, division, and racism. I can pray and affirm that. I can meditate on that. In my own heart, I can change the prevalent mainstream narrative.

Below is a meditation in my Renew the Mind Meditation Course, that we can use to transcend unforgiveness, anger, and hatred and send God’s love to whomever may need it, regardless of their intentions, so that we perpetuate peace and keep our hearts pure and unadulterated by the events happening in the world today.

According to Thomas Kempis in his book, The Imitation of Christ, “How can patience be rewarded if no adversity test it?” The greatest sacrifice we can make is to die to self and the ego,” so that we can become vessels, clean and swept, where Yah’s Spirit can abide and make His home within us. This takes a daily dose of dying as there will always be some affection, some hindrance, some mindset or some stronghold that needs to be cast off, cast out, or purged from our hearts. We can use our quiet time and meditation practice as a place for this sacrifice to begin, where we surrender our will to Him and give the Lord permission to mold, prune, and equip us for his good pleasure, while removing anything from our hearts that stand in the way of a pure and devoted intimacy with Him.

Cultivating an interior life (an inward existence) as opposed to building an exterior one, should be the priority of every follower of Christ. Here, within Yah’s secret place, nothing can shake us for long. It’s where we commence in another type of protest, the one that begins within.

[box title=”Sending Love Christian Meditation” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#b5e7fa” title_color=”#141212″ radius=”4″]
By Rhonda Jones

Say Silently to Yourself: Vividly see yourself in your imagination. As you silently recite the meditation, see your countenance change as your words and God’s love penetrates your heart.

May the eyes of my understanding be enlightened.
May God’s love and light fill my heart.
May I prosper and be in health.
May I be filled with God’s peace that passes all understanding.
May God’s blessings overtake me.

Say silently to a loved one. See this person in your mind. As you silently recite the meditation, see his or her countenance change as your words and God’s love penetrates their heart.

May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened.
May God’s love and light fill your heart.
May you prosper and be in health.
May you be filled with God’s peace that passes all understanding.
May God’s blessings overtake you.

Say silently to an acquaintance. See this person in your mind. As you silently recite the meditation, see his or her countenance change as your words and God’s love penetrates their heart.

May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened.
May God’s love and light fill your heart.
May you prosper and be in health.
May you be filled with God’s peace that passes all understanding.
May God’s blessings overtake you.

Say silently to a stranger. It could be someone you saw on the street or in a store. See this person in your mind. As you silently recite the meditation, see his or her countenance change as your words and God’s love penetrates their heart.

May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened.
May God’s love and light fill your heart.
May you prosper and be in health.
May you be filled with God’s peace that passes all understanding.
May God’s blessings overtake you.

Say silently with whom you have conflict or tension. See this person in your mind. As you silently recite the meditation, see his or her countenance change as your words and God’s love penetrates their heart.

May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened.
May God’s love and light fill your heart.
May you prosper and be in health.
May you be filled with God’s peace that passes all understanding.
May God’s blessings overtake you.

Say silently to the world, a country, or a collective community or group. See this group in your mind. As you silently recite the meditation, see their countenance change as your words and God’s love penetrates their heart for its divine good.

May the eyes of their understanding be enlightened.
May God’s love and light fill their heart.
May they prosper and be in health.
May they be filled with God’s peace that passes all understanding.
May God’s blessings overtake them. [/box]


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