How to Get Your Prayers Answered

christian meditation

Delight Yourself in the Lord

Psalms 37:4 declares, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  What better way to receive what we want, than to receive it as a gift from the Lord for putting our trust in him. When we don’t trust God to meet our needs or fulfill our desires then we go on a desperate search to do it for ourselves. By doing this we miss out on what God wants to give us freely and easily and instead spend countelss time striving to make things happen. However, striving doesn’t guarantee success. Often the very thing we strive for alludes us. A perfect example is when the disciples were fishing all night and caught nothing at all. Then Jesus comes along and tells them to drop their net on the other side of the boat and there were so many fish that they had to give some away.

When we delight ourselves in the Lord, when we spend time with Him, when we fellowship with God and quiet our minds, we put ourselves in the position to hear the still small voice of the Lord. It only takes one directive from God to turn our whole world around.

The Bible says that the blessings of God come without sorrow. When we allow God to bless us, we don’t have to worry about holding onto the blessing either. And if by chance we lose it, we don’t have to fret because if our confidence is in God, he can do it again.

Yet when we make our own way prosperous, instead of letting God increase us, the onus is always going to be on us to maintain it.

Proverbs says, better is a little with peace than riches with anxiety, worry, and fear.  And unless the Lord builds a house (wealth, success, prosperity) those who build it labor in vain. God doesn’t want us to be like the unbelievers who spend his or her life and efforts to accumulate. Jesus told us in… a man’s life does not consist of what he possesses. God wants us to pursue those treasures in heaven where moths and rust do not corrupt or where thieves do not break in and steal. Instead, God wants to make it easy for his children. All we have to do is delight ourselves in him, pursue him, love him, and he will bless us with enough that we won’t have room to store it.

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