physical health

Does Christian Meditation Have An Impact On Your Physical Health?

Meditation doesn’t just benefit your physical health. The benefits of meditation are numerous and well-rounded! Once you understand all of the benefits you might be interested in starting a meditation practice of your own. I find that without a proper understanding of meditation and it’s foundation techniques that many people give up before reaping all of these wonderful mental, emotional, and physical benefits.

Having a good understanding of the mind and its relationship to the emotions and body will also help you to continue with the practice while waiting to see the results. I have a video that I recommend titled, It’s All in the Mind. In the series, I discuss how our mind can steal our peace of mind as well as our health. Many studies show that our thoughts can make us physically sick and on the contrary the right thoughts can make us well. It’s all so fascinating to me. Here is a link to this free video series if your are interested. Free 4-Part Video Ecourse: It’s All In Your Mind

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