Christian Meditation & Hearing Gods Voice

One of the number one questions Christians ask today is, “How do we hear God voice?  How do we know when God is speaking to us or when it’s just our own thinking?” “How do you know when you are “hearing Gods voice?”Christians desperately want to hear from God and know Him in an intimate and personal way.  They want to know His voice from amongst their own mental clanging and clutter.  Some believers get discouraged and believe that God has nothing to say to them which makes them feel unloved or inferior.

The good news is that God does speak to His children.  He did throughout the Old Testament, the New Testament, and He does today. How do we know this for sure?  Because the scriptures tell us that God is the same today, yesterday, and forever. However, as the years progressed it appears that God’s voice has become more subtle.  Rarely do you hear people saying that God spoke to them in an audible voice, like he did with Noah and Moses.  We don’t seem to have as many anointed prophets that impart God’s heart to use as with Samuel, Elisha, and Elijah.

For these days and times, God generally speaks to his children through the Holy Spirit deep inside the intricate parts of their heart. Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice.  If you have ever been to a sheep farm, you can see the sheep grazing quietly as they move from one spot to the next.

Yes, God does talk to us but the real problem is that many of us are hard of hearing.  We can’t hear God because our own mental chatter, mindsets, and incessant thinking crowds out what God may be trying to say to us.  If our minds are filled to the brim with our own thoughts and distractions, there any room for the quiet yearnings of God.

Therefore the first step to hearing God more clearly is to quiet our minds and the only way to do this is through practicing some form of meditation.  Now don’t stop reading or get scared because meditation is just a tool used to quiet our minds and Christian meditation fills our quiet minds with God.

Whenever God spoke to his people, it was generally through a still small voice or a whisper.  In fact, when God speaks, people say it’s often like a “knowing” in their  heart and mind.  It’s not always words. I believe it’s through the unity of the spirit that we connect with God in a personal way.  Jesus said, I only do what I hear the Father telling me to do.  That means there was a constant fellowshipping going on between Jesus and the Father.

God wants us to have that constant communication as well, but first we must learn to become still and quiet our minds so we can hear God speaking to us. It’s generally not going to happen during the hustle and bustle of daily living.  We must make an effort to stop and spend some time regularly just hanging out with the Lord.

The more control you get over your own thoughts, the more you will be able to differentiate them from God’s. Also, God’s thoughts will always line up with His Word so it is equally important to spend time reading the scriptures.  Little by little begin to act upon the unctions in your heart. If your heart tells you to do something good or that will bless someone and then a few seconds later you try and talk yourself out of it, that’s you talking.  Often, it is that first thought that seems to come out of nowhere that is God speaking to us. After that, we begin to rationalize our way out of being obedient or responding.

Practicing Christ-centered or Biblical meditation can help you to bring stillness to your thoughts so you can begin to discern God’s voice more clearly. To learn more about Christian meditation visit

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